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A member registered Feb 02, 2021

Recent community posts

Hey DonTaco will small complex be available for Android users?

Is hell after school 2 available for Android APK anywhere I'd like to try it out

Is there a walkthrough I can't find the key in the planter

yes finally emma is gettin some love thanx Andrealphus for a over all great update

ok so its been just under 10 months since the last update is the game over or what... just dont tell my i need to get updates from patreon or discord plz

so apparently patch.38 added pregnancy with Rachael but when i got to that point the game tells me i need to buy pregnancy patch from patreon? what gives... also what is patch .40 supposed to include ive looked at it under the devolopment log and there is nothing there is that a gritch or something

ok fair enough thanks Goosyy for the info ill look into the update next week then cheers mate

hey so was the a update on last week... if the weekly updates over the last few months are anything to go by than what happened there was a update over on lewdzone but nothing on


funny how just 3 days ago on my current play through i played Luna's story up to date and now more content for her SWEET!!

sweet looking forward to next update then 

umm...ok so i just looked into it and (though i could be wrong) turns out i was very wrong sorry for the pointless rant andrealphus... still think the coffee shop clerk is cute close second being the jewelry store clerk

(1 edit)

definitely the coffee shop clerk is very cute... though I'm wondering what's the point to askin which is the cutest clerk when to my knowledge (though i could be wrong) there hasn't been any game play updates since the office harem update roughly 7 months ago and since then all we got was a band harem trailer... lewdzone appears to have update 21.8.0a but that doesn't say what the update involves... point is i love the visual novel and I really hope andrealphus plans on this cutest clerk think going some there soon

been a while since last update hope game aint been abandoned like so many others like a goblins tale altum depth or after invasion all on hopefully next update aint far away

hey thanks Arcadean I've been hoping emma would get some new content but wow i wasn't expecting emma to get pregnant yet given focus appears to have been on Asteria it kinda looked like another council member mighta got focus like maybe Roxy either cheers for another great update  

thank so much friend

hey void star sorry I'm not too sure of the specifications  of me tablet apart from it being a Galaxy A1 32 GiG memory... I did though try opening he game like a half dozen times with no success I even tried uninstall and reinstall.. I did however try my Samsung galaxy  S7 and was finallble to play the game I quite like it graphics  and the story is interesting thanks again for porting childhood fiends to android 

Hay void star i just bought childhood friend's and sadly from the beginning Iam having problems, so I open the game and I get to the part where the game notifies me of its explicit content o select OK and the app closes instantly, is this possible a bug in the game or could the issue be with my android tablet its a Samsung A1 tablet

that's great news  thank you void star

Thankyou I look forward to the chance to play your game and will happily pay for such a opportunity i have taken a look at the images provided for the game and the graphics look amazing. Also thank you for responding to my comment so quickly its very much appreciated

Why is it not available for Android though I'd really like to give the game a go but I only have Android devic

Thankyou mate

hey Andrealphus is it possible in the current update to get emma pregnant or is it something for a later update

hey Andrealphus how do i unlock anna's livingroom fun time event