I think that these modifications sound good! Be sure that your level(s) are unique and significant from each other - I think you're certainly headed in the right direction with this by adding a new powerup that will change how the game plays. I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with!
Chris Cardimen
Creator of
Recent community posts
I think that your proposed modifications are headed in the right direction. Be sure that your levels are unique and significant - custom obstacles, challenges, and/or abilities can help a lot with this. More levels & bigger levels can sometimes be the same thing, so be sure that each of these modifications can stand on its own and be noticeable. I really like your idea of a boss fight - I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with!
I think that your modifications are headed in the right direction. I do have a few questions:
- How many levels are you planning on making?
- How are you planning on making each level unique and significant? Obstacles, challenges, and abilities can help you a lot with this.
- Be careful with how your proposed modifications intermingle - they all seem to revolve around level creation, so be sure that each can stand on its own.
I'm looking forward to seeing what you make!
I think that your proposed modifications are headed in the right direction. I do have a few questions:
- Will the music that you add be custom-made?
- How many levels are you planning on adding? I like your ideas of adding puzzles and unique mazes/layouts!
- Will you be writing any custom scripts for the new mechanics?
I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with!
I think that your modifications are headed in the right direction! I do have a few questions:
- How many levels are you planning on making, and how will they be unique/significant? What types of challenges, obstacles, and/or abilities will you employ to accomplish this?
- How will you change the design of the player? Will you be 3D modeling?
I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with!
I think that these modifications sound good! Be sure to make your levels unique and significant - custom obstacles, challenges, and/or abilities can help a lot with this. Are you planning on creating the music yourself? I'd highly recommend doing so. I'm looking forward to playing your final product!
I think that your proposed modifications sound good! I do have a few questions:
- What types of challenges will you create to make each of your new levels unique and significant? How many levels do you plan on making?
- Will you be creating the music yourself?
I really like your idea of voice acting and am looking forward to seeing how you implement it - that's a super unique idea!
I think that your modifications are headed in the right direction! I do have a few questions:
- How many new levels will you be adding, and how will each level be unique and significant? What types of challenges, obstacles, and/or abilities will each employ?
- Will you be writing custom scripts for these enemies/challenges, or will they be variations on existing assets?
I'm looking forward to seeing what you make!
I think that your proposed modifications are headed in the right direction! I do have a few questions:
- How are you planning on making your new levels significant and unique? What types of challenges, obstacles, and gameplay will they use?
- Will you be making these sound effects yourself? I'd highly recommend it!
- What powerups will you add? Will you be writing scripts for these?
I think that your proposed modifications are headed in the right direction! I do have a few questions:
- What do you think the layout of your third level will be? How will it be unique from the other levels - what challenges, obstacles, and environmental aspects of gameplay will you use?
- How will you change the scenery? Are you planning on creating your own, custom assets?
- Will these harder challenges be a part of the overall gameplay, or just the third level? I'd be careful with putting everything in one level - sometimes challenges are a part of a level and may not necessarily be too different of a modification.
I think that your proposed modifications seem to be headed in the right direction! I do have a few questions:
- What are you planning on doing with the levels? Adding new ones, or modifying existing ones? Either way, be sure to differentiate them through new and unique obstacles, challenges, etc.
- When you say an 'element', what does that mean?
- What types of abilities or items are you thinking of adding? Will this involve scripting, or modifying existing code?
I'm looking forward to seeing your final product!
I think that your modifications are headed in the right direction! I do have a couple questions:
- When you say instructions, are you thinking of adding a tutorial level, or altering the text for instructions? I would advise the former, as it may not be significant enough to alter the instruction text - but a tutorial level could be very beneficial to players!
- How are you planning on differentiating your new level from existing ones? What types of obstacles and challenges will it have?
- What's your new game title? How are you planning on changing the mood of the game? Will it be through art, sound, design, etc.?
I think that your proposed modifications are headed in the right direction! I do have a couple questions:
- How will your levels be unique and significantly different from each other? What types of obstacles and challenges will you use?
- When you say additional graphics, what does that mean? Are you thinking of sculpting 3D models, or altering the 2D user interface / backgrounds?
- How will the enemy behavior be different? Are you planning on writing scripts, or modifying existing ones?
I think that your modifications are headed in the right direction! I do have a couple of questions:
- Will the background music that you add be custom-made? I'd highly recommend doing this, as it makes the game significantly more customized to your own personal vision.
- How will you modify level 2? What types of obstacles and challenges will you use to differentiate it?
- What elements inside prefabs will you use? Are you thinking of using them as decorations, or using these to make new items/abilities/scripts?
I think that your proposed modifications are headed in the right direction! I have a couple questions:
- How do you plan on making your next level(s) unique and different? What types of obstacles, challenges, and abilities will they include?
- What type of game feedback/juice are you thinking of adding?
- Obstacles and challenges are often included as part of making a level - I'd advise making at least a second level to ensure that you're meeting the criteria for significant modifications, unless you're planning on modifying the tutorial levels.
I'm looking forward to playing your final project!
I think that you've come up with some solid modifications - nice work! I'm looking forward to your custom art assets and seeing how your new enemy works with custom scripting. Good luck!
The best advice that I can give you in terms of level design would be to make sure that each level has some sort of unique identifier. New types of challenges, enemies, obstacles, or powerups can massively help with this. Putting some time into playtesting and differentiating your levels (to figure out, from a player's perspective, how the level plays) can also give you some direction in how to design things.
Your modifications seem really detailed and well thought-out, nice job! I'm looking forward to seeing what you create.
The best advice that I can give you in terms of level design would be to make sure that each level has some sort of unique identifier. New types of challenges, enemies, obstacles, or powerups can massively help with this. Putting some time into playtesting and differentiating your levels (to figure out, from a player's perspective, how the level plays) can also give you some direction in how to design things.