Quelques bugs, pourrait être mieux mais semble abandonné, dommage.
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Testé et approuvé ! (Quest 2 v41) Un must have pour ne plus voir vos jeux flous !
Je redécouvre mes jeux et là je dis merci au développeur !
Bon contrairement à ce qui est dit dans les vidéos ce n'est par 4€ mais 6€ que j'ai payé mais ça les vaut ;)
Le SEUL soucis, et ce n'est pas à cause du logiciel mais d'Android, c'est l'ADB à ré-activer à chaque démarrage du casque (et contrairement à ce qui est dit, non je peux pas le laisser en veille car le lendemain je n'aurai plus de batterie). Je dois avoir un casque défectueux ;)
Good. Is there an update planned?
Because there are textures that flash, the movement of the trains is jerky, the menu appears wrong, the trash can works very badly ...
Apart from these few bugs, the concept is pleasant. When it is optimized for the Quest 2 it will be a great game.
Do you have a Discord?
Les bonnes choses :
- Les commandes répondent bien et le bateau se dirige très bien.
Mauvaises choses (à prendre sur le ton de l'humour ;)) :
- Graphismes basse résolution (Quest 1 ?) avec beaucoup d'aliasing sur le décor, ça pique énormément les yeux !
- FPS qui semble limité (30 i/s ?)
- Une loutre qui ressemble à un boa géant faisant de la balançoire ;)
En résumé :
Le coeur du jeu fonctionne bien (les commandes du bateau). Reste à rendre le jeu attrayant en améliorant les graphismes du décor.
It works for the sword grip;)
In fact, I thought it should be taken on the shoulder from the front but it's in the back (which makes sense)! On the menu explanation image we can't see that it should be taken from the back;)
Maybe the sword should always come the right way? If people want to take it upside down they will just have to turn it over (by throwing it in the air).
I take this opportunity to find out if you would like a French translation? (it's free ;))
I misspoke ! I wanted to talk about enemy fire. Rather than displaying them in blue (which it's hard to see) or red, why not flash them (from yellow to red for example)?
Have a Discord account?
It might help you. I'm sure people would be happy (and free) to help you.
Myself, if it's in my skills, I can help you.
Hello and thank you for your quick response.
I have yet to try for the saber.
• Flash enemy shots to see them properly?
• I ask for the optimization of Quest 2 because the scenery is strongly aliased. You can see it because the decor is mainly vertical.
• Maybe add a menu with options for Quest 2 like resolution, glow, etc ...
• A new menu is a good idea because I find it hard to navigate;)
• Being able to move around the combat zone using the Quest Guardian would make it easier to move than using the controller.
Thank you.
On the Quest 2 v26, the swords are always upside down in the hand.
When the mission is finished, just before returning to the menu, the screen freezes for a few seconds, which is disturbing in VR.
The shots of the enemies have the same color as the scenery (blue), difficult to see them well.
Is the game optimized for the Quest 2?
Thank you.