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Christian Eichhorn

A member registered Nov 07, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks, very happy to hear that! :)

Yep, happy to help! :) If you end up getting the zines, you'll only get the slim zine PDFs. But you can send me a pic of your purchase ( and I'll send you DTRPG codes so you get access to the full hardcover PDFs as well. :)

I think Apocrypha suffered the most in terms of missing fluff and art. But the hardcover is sold out, and only 50 copies still exist that might (hopefully) appear in the Kartellian Vaults store when it opens up again. But nothing major is missing from any.

I think almost everything cut is in Refuse besides a few encounters. I whittled it down from d100 (overland and city) encounters to d88. But I also gave everything a once-over. So that at the end of the day, the people who have the original hardcovers still have some special things and not just an inferior version (but it being a hardcover in of itself is also a plus I guess). :)

There's some content cut out. In Purgatory, the d100 encounters and Karpyl Bridge aren't in the zine (and maybe something I'm forgetting, but pretty sure that's it). Most of the cut content ended up in the  Refuse zine though (here)!

Hey! Just FYI, Down Bad is now finally out. If you want a copy, you can grab it here in the Soulmuppet shop. Have fun! :)

Hey! So, finally, I'm happy to report that Down Bad is publically available. If you want a zine, you can get it here in the Soulmuppet shop. Thanks! :)

Hey ExcessiveSkin (nice nick ;D)!

If you backed Leviathan, there's a high chance you'll be able to grab Death&Taxes as an addon once that goes to the PledgeBox stage. But we'll also look into making the PledgeBox for Death&Taxes public this time for late backers. And the first straight-up public copies should be available in around 8 weeks in the Beyond Cataclysm shop (

And thanks for the interest and picking up my other stuff too :)


Because it produces the arrow, I'd definitely allow for it to produce bolts too! :)

Will do! Looking like early to mid-June now. :)

That sounds like a great crossover you fashioned there :D

Regarding the femur, that's a great question. To give you a simple answer, the "indestructible" only refers to it breaking when you fumble an attack roll. That can't happen. So out of combat, you can rule that it can be ground down in a mill or something (if you want to). Otherwise, to give it a bit more flavor, I suggest that you must bath the femur in the blood of an innocent to make it brittle for 1 day during which you can destroy it :)

The latter, it increases the chance to hit (i.e. d20 + d4) :)

Perfection! :D

Fun fact: (I think) Johan Nohr came up with that. For fun, I tagged the Mörk Borg Twitter account with the picture of the half-troll and asked how they are made. I believe "when a half-dead troll with a belly full of half-dead humans gets a chance to heal" was pretty much the verbatim answer :D So in my mind, when a troll swallows a human alive and only has a few HP left, they fuse to become a half-troll.

Thanks mate, very much appreciated! :D

Hey Psoderberg! Down Bad is coming at you at glacial speeds. It's been lying around in the warehouse for about 2 months now, waiting for everything to be in place to start the Kickstarter fulfillment. To give you an ETA, probably around the end of Mai (hopefully), but at the very latest in June.

And thanks for the interest :)

Hey tikitang!

It's basically your choice. The map (lines) was just a fun little idea, not intended to be taken too seriously. My recommendation would be to just roll for a few encounters, maybe three, and if the 8 doesn't come up, it is the next one :)

Nah, not necessary. If you want, put something like "References Leviathan by Christian Eichhorn" or "Check out Leviathan by Christian Eichhorn" somewhere in there :) (ToTKG will be renamed to Leviathan once the new version is ready, it's a bit snappier :D)

Yes, of course, always happy to have some references appear elsewhere :) And that sounds like a cool idea!

Coincidentally, I started working on the new version a few days ago, and it will be my next project to appear on Kickstarter. I hope to have the new PDF available in around 3 weeks. It'll have additional content, including some retroactive Pirate Borg compatibility options.

Hey Quen! Thanks for all your posts, very much appreciated. Some positive reinforcement goes a long way to keep me creating :D

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Yeah, the characters who choose to become rats will definitely need a new class ;) For those interested, here's a link to Nicholas's class:

That's an amazing idea! Good luck in the dungeon :D

Exactly. According to a post I found in the forums, those reviews are only for internal feedback purposes. Strange choice. But then again, I know of a few instances of review bombing on DTRPG (and naturally, Steam) so maybe they want to avoid that entirely.

Works for me, I can give a star and write a review. Here is an example:

When you open the page of a product you bought, there's a button in the top right corner that allows you to rate it. And yes, each product has a "Ratings" page in its analytics.

To see the ratings at least, you have to hit the "more information" button. It took me a while to discover that :D

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Really? Maybe I just have set it up wrong (but I don't think so because others were complaining about this in the Itch forum as well.) For example, if you look at the Vaults here, it has three ratings:

Two of those are just ratings, one is a review. And I don't think you can see the actual review text anywhere, that's why I manually copied it into the description.

But if there is a way, let me know, I'm not an Itch pro and it doesn't have the most intuitive GUI.

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Oh, then I made an error, I meant it to be the crib. So he wasn't born there necessarily (unless you want to do that in your game), they just have the crib on display as a holy relic. I'll mark that as something to fix for a possible reprint, thanks :)

A nursery is one of those wooden cages you keep babies and toddlers in. And "burl wood" is a different word for root wood. :)

Hey! So, my plans changed a bit, and there won't be an extended version, but rather a streamlined one sometime in early-mid 2024. I'll make improvements, but there won't be new content. And the new version will appear in the files for this project, no need to repurchase anything :)

As the title suggests, please let me cash out my earnings in other currencies, for example (and most pressing) €.

Thank you!


I do two sales per year, the next one will be on Mörk Friday (Black Friday). So check back in then to get a good deal :D 

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Thanks mate! :) If everything goes according to my current plan, around the end of the year, I'll release an improved and extended version. It'll be renamed to "Leviathan" once it's done.

PS: My plan changed a bit, there will only be an improved and streamlined version coming in 2024, but no new content.

Thanks mate, happy to hear that! :D Coincidentally, not too far in the future, this one will get an update (several new pages) and be renamed to "Hallowed." It's currently being edited, so may in a week or two I'll update the files  :)

And also thanks for this review! Very happy you like it :D

Hey, thanks for the review, much appreciated! It's bewildering that Itch only has hidden reviews, but this is a good workaround. And happy you like it! :D