Yup, did that one too, even scrolled all the way to page 69
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Okay so, I believe there are two places you can type in a Sentinel number. Both require you to have not told Ava about your powers and are on the same route. The first one, pretty sure you just type in "SS3000", (there's something here if you have 50+ Corruption but pretty sure that locks you out of the Sentinel ending). After that you need to type in "del /f SS3000" without the quotes. Keep in mind, you need 60 affection with Sentinel (insist on your name at the start, assuming you put one in, don't think you can get this ending if you don't) in order to get this ending, and make sure your corruption is under 90 or you'll get a different game over a little bit later. Also worth noting, the action to get Sentinel's affection to 60 also gives you 60 corruption, so decline Cass' offer (don't scare her off with powers) and don't possess the croc or you'll get either the corruption or tiger game over.
Yeah, I noticed that too, was wondering if it was just on my end, but now thinking it might be intentional. Also noticed a 69.png in the files too, who I assume is meant to be iteration 69, but couldn't find it anywhere in the actual code, checked the files too to see if it popped up under a different name but didn't find anything. As for other Easter Eggs, I assume since you looked through the code you managed to trigger both ZSS flags?
Great game, certainly enjoyed it and I think I've done almost all I can in the game? But, looking through the files I'm seeing an image I can't seem to find out how to trigger, and a character portrait I don't think shows up in game, not sure if I'm missing anything though. Also, curious as to whether there will be future updates where there will be any more fun secrets in the code.
If I'm remembering correctly, I believe all of those are on the route where you get your powers back. I believe the first one requires you to be rude to the Slime Dragon on day 2, learn the Blackout ability, but fail to stop the guard.
Second image, on top second from right is a bad ending, get powers back, don't kill the tiger, but fail to input the correct password, after that choose the eviler option. The leftmost two on the bottom require you to have I believe 80 affection with Ava before the same shower scene where you have a lewd scene with Mass. (If you kill the tiger, you lose control of the character and will get sent to one of 3 endings (and a game crash with no ending if you change a certain number in the right file to a 3). Those two scenes with Ava are different but I believe this is your last chance to max out Ava's affection. The last 3 if I remember correctly are all variants on failing to stop the guard, whether or not you learned Blackout, and if you were rude to the Slime Dragon, the right most one requires you to learn Blackout and to have not been rude to them. It also has a secret that requires a rather specific sequence of choices.