Have you looked into the Restricted access options as linked by Demonskunk? If it's possible to do so, you should really give back access to this game to everyone who purchased it previously. It's really unfair to simply take part of our purchase away without notice or any alternative than to pay again.
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Like OP, I previously purchased Almanac 2, through the Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality, for me. Link to product page: https://axesorcs.itch.io/aetherjacks-almanac-number-2
The download page for that product states there is nothing to download, while the product page itself instructs us to go to this product "for the most current edition". Nothing is downloadable on this page for me, however, because I have never purchased this product. Can you re-enable downloads for our previous purchase of Almanac 2?
While itch doesn't seem able to improve their website, I did find a third party website that *drastically* improves filtering and searching through various bundles. I highly recommend checking it out for all your bundle search needs: https://randombundlegame.com
*Some* better filtering exists in the desktop app, not the website, but it's still badly insufficient. And that doesn't exist at all on the website, as you see in your screenshot, which is a huge pain when trying to go through all the games in one's library of a certain type, such as "Physical Game", since the app doesn't allow multiple tabs, so you're constantly navigating back and forth between web pages.
While I understand the reason for not having bundles automatically populate into our libraries, this is really not a long term solution since bundles are even more difficult to find stuff in than our library in general. Whether using the desktop app or the website, it is nearly impossible to find anything from a bundle that you haven't claimed already unless you are searching by name, which doesn't help in the slightest if what you want to find is "all my games tagged scifi" or something along those lines. There isn't even any way to do any sort of a mass search of ALL games from ALL bundles you own but have not claimed.