nvm i'm in, some random issue
Idk if i'm the only one, but i'm having trouble connecting to dc, if anyone has any idea, thx for sharong and telling me what's happening
yeah, the alt u haven't used in 5 months+
how do u know those things?
wdym? were u not able to talk before?
erm....ask snadow
Finished my homework
rate so far please
goodbye..enjoy life
why u playing on phone?
wow..where aer you flying?
wow so pretty
Played against a melee spamming Hydro..he lost
i don't miss you...i don't even know you 😋
wait what
mmmmhh....i think ur a fake
Ok, since Brokengod hasn't been here in a while, i wish u all a good day/good night ( night for me)
erm...alright..although school makes it worse 😁
yes, sounds lame but it's true
ummm, just cooked Dumbledore in a 1v1
hello ppl
1) my mouse was glitching2) wowwy bro just backstabbing
what about me? and starsket? and starcast? and mossy is a pro fr
say hi to bob
he isa !%)^"$&*! and he deservers it
erm, actually 73 🤓
mmhhh...i suck at n1 these days...
beatiful things..what makes u beautiful...party in the usa
no clue
i did
Hi discord people!!
yey im in msg leaderboard!!
change all 💀💀💀💀
no, it's pc, but the whole other team rq
lol...i follow lifesteal stuff, some ppl say they like mc but they don't even know clownpierce..they just know dream and techno (and mr beast)