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A member registered Oct 28, 2018

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Ain't happening bud.

Having this bug show up every time I go to a bathroom:

<<adjusttoyslink>>: error within widget code (Error: <<if>>: bad conditional expression in <<if>> clause: ReferenceError: info is not defined 1) 1

I wish there was some sort of explanation as to what the inventory items do. Maybe some hoverover text.

Devs put in anti-cheat specifically so that people couldn't cheat their way to 100%. As for why, you'd have to ask a dev for that.

IMO the game feels like it's far too easy to get a Miss, and the way the timed sections force you to get a Hard or better or you're screwed feels really harsh. Also not a fan of how it controls this time around, since it's giving my a cramp in my wrist. Would rather have it work like Kuraksa's Room.

Or hold R on the broken camera until it gets fixed.

I already bought this, why am I unable to access the full versions?

No. There are no loud noises in this game.

I feel like Moon Lord is way too expensive to justify what it offers. New Moon would be much more reasonable for access to the Dev Menu.

I like all these suggestions except the FOV change. Right now, that's the only reason I can still beat Hard mode. Otherwise it might well be entirely luck-based.

Yeah that's funny and all, but is there any real way to get a ton of money quick? The grind is getting tedious.

I kind of expected this to happen, given that changing engines is no small task, but I'm pleasantly surprised to hear you'll be able to get all the current version content ported and polished by the 31st. That's no easy feat, but I have high hopes on you being able to pull it off.

I know what a Debug build usually is for most games, but for some reason, the DEBUG build of the game seems to be identical to the regular build? What are the differences?

Actually, it's been bumped up to around 5.50 USD now.

I'm a little doubtful about that pre-2024 release date, but I wish you all the best and will pleasantly surprised if that proves true.

How do I remove Wendy from a vessel? I want to transfer her to a different one.

Okay but what do you even do with them? You can only talk to them.

How do you go out into the streets?

That's still fucking stupid. She shouldn't be that hard, period.

>"if you sub on Patreon or Subscribestar, you get the Spicy version!"

>forgets to mention that only people who pay the $20 tier or higher gain access to said version

I didn't know devs could sink that low. Wow.

For cheating, just use Cheat Engine. It's stupidly easy.

What are the drink combos for all the scenes? I'm lazy and don't wanna have to do the game more times than I have to.

I'm not sure I understand. Are you asking how to delete the game itself from your device, or just the save data?

Enter the Konami Code, IIRC

Also, the discord link has expired.

(1 edit)

By the time I've returned, either Freds or Fox is already out since I move slower than cold molasses even with the sprint. And if they aren't, then that still doesn't give me enough time to get to them AND Chic. My options are to either do a task and almost surely die, or focus on keeping myself alive while getting nothing done. Either the timers need to be lengthened, or the base movement speed needs to be increased because this is way too difficult for "Normal".

Arcade Easy is beatable, but Normal and Hard are genuinely impossible. Timers tick down way too fast and you move far too slow even with sprint to be able to complete any tasks before you're fucked. Balance is absolutely nonexistent. 

Wait, there's new content? Futa content? Since when? Does this version have more stuff than the Steam version?

0/10, fucking awful gameplay that relies on RNG half of the time for the fucking imps to not cover the entire screen. Make a better game next time.

VERY good, wow. Fantastic work. Can't wait for the next update!