Where did the Nuns and Childrens learn all of these spells? If they weren't such despicable people, they could become turn their Orphanage into a really good occult university.
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For Dusty Sachet Of Bitter Herbs: If you choose not to make the tea, will you die? Or is this Werewolf curse different from the normal one? Can Dismiss into Figment affect gods? Like can I Dismiss into Figment the history of King in Yellow?And Is the DR 16 on Leash The Departing Soul for the Haint to turn or not turn on you?
I think most table would allow for Faith Healer to heal Curse and Psychological issue, since most Faith Healing in real life is about soothing the mind, and a lot of Faith Healer in the past also remove curse and misfortune. And the Archetype of Martyr healing other by taking the pain onto themselves fit really well.
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