bro, thats not a spoiler?
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ima be real final boss is actual pain, :[ you heal less than they do damage and they just heal spam once they are below half, it feels like im being asked to destroy a mountain with just hands, plus you cant even grind up extra stuff other then one thing but feels like im being punished for trying to beat the game :<.
am i like missing items or something?
steam takes 30% of all sales unless they reach AAA status sales then it drops down to 20, but on itch they take 10% and on patreon they take 5%, yes if it were on steam it would be easier for us but keep in mind they need to pay everyone working on them and only getting 70% of the cash for most isnt enough to pay everyone especially since steam also doesn't advertise porn games very much.
If they merge it into two it will get even slower for both its split into two for more reasons then just the things I said, there's also keeping account of who likes what games this one probably doesn't get updates because people aren't subscribing as much as the other one. If I'm being honest as someone who wants to make games working on one game is hard, working on two would be pseudo hell for a small team, and not to be rude but this sounds more like you want two games for the price of one, if they were made by two different groups this wouldn't be a problem but the moment its one group making two different games is theft you got to see how wrong that is. Devs like to make games but we also like to keep the lights on and we don't want to put our all into a game if no one is playing it, I know I wouldn't and if there merged how exactly are they gonna know which people want which game
like the idea of the game tried to play the second one earlier mentioned some bugs got told of this one and i love the gameplay and the cutscenes but every time i get pulled into one theres like a coin flip of if it bugs or not the handjob doctor and pee scenes have all locked me into place in some way the game is fun but i cant even progress i hope bug fixes go by smooth just a bit annoying trying to get through the game just to get hard locked 3 times :[
love the game just hope for more bug fixes soon though i understand how hard it can be makin a game