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A member registered Jan 28, 2023

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One day I'll tell future generations that we used to play this game with no CGs 😭😭😭

Oh hey, I was just thinking about this game yesterday!

Clothes with logos really need their own shop filter or category, cause it becomes harder and harder to find any other clothes

I love checking Itchio for the first time in weeks, and immediately seeing an update from 1 minute ago

Haven't made much progress, only finished like two trainings with Ivy and a few characters, but I've been trying russian translation this whole time. I do find it to be very well made, will have to replay in english again to make sure, however, idk why, but it has A LOT of typos, and all kinds of typos. Almost every second dialogue had them, which is very weird, cause again, the translation itself is good, it's just the typos.

Also found like one item with its translated description (the second description, like MC's thoughts I guess? Don't think I knew before that it existed) being so long, that it got outside of the text box and below the screen. Will keep an eye out for more of these translation errors, when I get the time to play more

I can't believe I lived to see the day when this game got released. Congratulations! You've been delivering peak this whole time. I wish you good luck with whatever projects you are going to work on in the future!

They didn't go on a picnic, I'm sad :(
My doomed love story...

It's been my first ever experience playing this game along side with friend... And it was fantastic! I've seen some gameplay from like a year ago build of the game, and seeing so many little, but REALLY significant changes is super nice! 

Starting with what I think about new Kerfur-O craft: yeah, it's a pretty good change (kinda related to that tho, I hope more stuff is going to be added in the caves, cause it took us around an hour of regenerating the layout to find one signle crystal shard. Finding something else along the way would make it feel more worth the time) HOWEVER, I do think that the scuba mask price should be lowered in like half. I can understand it being 1000 + 100 if there's gonna be more things to dive for, however rn it's just a little too much. Lowering the amount of plastic scrap needed from 14 to 10 would also be a small, but appreciated change IMO.

I liked the pacing of the game I've experienced so far. The very first week was CHAOTIC. First time playing and we could barely finish the task like once every two days (now probably it wouldn't be so much of a trouble, but managing servers, generators, hashcodes and signals at the same time is a really nice way to keep player busy in this early game). The second week was the getting used to week. The first good end of a week bonus, and finally some free time, which was spend slowly but surely getting rid of all the trash and cleaning the base bit by bit each day. Around end of week 2 is also when Kerfur was bought, and it's been pretty much a perfect 500 points bonus each week after that. The next two weeks were spend gathering items around the map and preparing money for the Kerfur-O. Small note, I really like how you can also open the second bunker door with a crowbar, it was a very pleasant surprise. Hook is one of the best things in this game, the amount of smart things you can do with it and ATV is insane! And overall, I love how whenever you have an item, it's better to get another one to best utilize it! I can dig the whole area with a shovel, but buying a metal detector makes it easier. That's why I love this game so much, the depth of these mechanics is awesome!

Anyway, one small suggestion I might have about mid game is to have new hashcodes be more likely to appear on a satellite that you haven't visited in a while. At one point Ihad an idea pop into my head about an item that would allow you to name it, and then target it by its name, but honestly? The game loop is so perfect, that you really do get familiar with this map by the end of week 3-4.  During week 1 it seemed SO big, so hard to move around fast; but during week 3-4, I was really surprised to notice how it feels like less than a minute passes between one satellite to another. And so, after four weeks our base is clean, our upgrades are upgraded, we found the last Kerfur-O crafting material, and the only thing that was left was to collect scrap. The part I liked is that we had to stop by transformers A LOT during the mid game, especially tr_1 and tr_3, thanks to the tree house and the cave being nearby, and every time we went there I could already picture moving all the useful items from there to craft scrap. When that time came, it was really satisfying for some reason. These two corners of the map are probably our most favourite ones, and I really hope that something similar could be added near tr_2 to make that corner also be rememberable. But unfortunatelly, that's where we stopped at the moment :D

However, I do know, that this is basically the perfect timing, cause from what I know week 5 is when the most exciting events are happening and you can freely explore the map to experience them! The whisps event is also perfectly placed in my opinion. By that time we only had to explore the cave and move the materials from transformers, and those guys really made that process more fun! I've seen someone mention their Red Kerfur moving crazy in this version after similar thing been happening to us :D While running away in the dark of the night from the whisp it was hilarious to witness Red Kerfur fall into the river, while spinning at insane speed. Can't wait to play further and finally buy 3D printer! I love how you can actually decorate your base in this kind of way. Buying a TV, a radin, and a few painting frames to add more cats, funky music, and movies with bad resolution does a fantastic job at providing fun in between events, and even helping you to drop your guard. Don't have anything else to say but to thank you for creating this amazing game! It's definitely phenomenal, it's the most fun I had in a while, and I will return to it with more different friends! I will leave the picture of our office somewhere at the start of week 4, cause we got hit by that stupid geometric shape, and then while testing it we created something really hilarious that just made our office look even more surreal

I guess it feels nice to finally start a new project and apply all the knowledge and resources you gained, rather than completely redoing what's already took years to finish! Yet to see if this game's gonna be just as grand, but good luck to you anyway! 

I'm only past the prologue, but man, I did not expect the game to change so much! I love how it was remade, and I'm glad to see those characters again!

Haven't played yet, but I am already in love with the artstyle! Congratulations with your debut, good luck with everything and I wish more people to notice your game! :D

Wait, you mean to tell me it is not her new hairstyle, but her backpack? It's kinda sad, cause damn, that kind of hairstyle would be so beautiful tho 😭😭😭

I can't believe the update was finally released on my birthday. I'm crying and shaking 😭😭😭

Now THAT'S pretty impressive

Hello, the community of Maeve's Academy. I am back after trying to spend my summer efficiently. I somewhat failed and somewhat succeeded. But I am still here, waiting for the peak. Just as the Sun Tzu told me to in his Art of War


Good luck you with everything! Make this game the peakest fiction there will ever be



Came here after your previous game, and I absolutely adore this game! The atmosphere is unironically somewhat cozy, gameplay is pretty relaxing, and dialogues are great! The only thing that is confusing sometimes is the "Y" and "N" during the dialogue. It works most of the times, but sometimes I am not sure what the MC is going to say if I press one of them.

Don't know how big you plan this game to be, but I can see a lot of potential in it! Good luck with the development!

I absolutely love that the game now kinda leans more towards the corruptions being its main selling point, or something like that. If corruptions will actually stay and not reset automatically after you get back, then it's just 10/10. All these different combinations of corruptions are amazing, and just a lot of fun

Also, am I being stupid, or is there no way to just wait on the tile, without pushing away anyone who also stands on it? Thinking about it now I don't really remember why I ever needed that. But yeah, overall my only critique is that interface, its features, and certain controls can be really confusing. Thanks for working on this!

How many lives would you exchange for Lulu


This is... so peak

I think it stands for NTR Coconut

That was long time ago, when the game just came out. Now we fuckin stay for the community, it's actually the best fucking community on Itch. The game was so wholesome and artstylish that we created the best thing to exist since the apple pies

This "update" you keep talking about

Is it in the room with us right now?

Hello, this is your Daily Dose of Sun Tzu Quotes until the next update releases.

But first, a word from myself. I am about to finish my exams in exactly a week, and hopefully start drawing throughout the whole July and hopefully August. Dunno when the fuck I am going to prepare for the exams that I haven't passed, but I have like three more years to do so before they kick me out.

Day 6:

"If soldiers are punished before they have grown attached to you, they will not prove submissive; and, unless submissive, then will be practically useless. If, when the soldiers have become attached to you, punishments are not enforced, they will still be unless"

— Sun Tzu, The Art of War

"Special thanks for your fucking support you mentally insane shitposters" 🥹🥹🥹

Hello, this is your Daily Dose of Sun Tzu Quotes until the next update releases.

But first, a word from myself. Kinda got back into Payday 2 recently. It's just as fun as I remember, and crashes just as much, god I hate this game

Day 5:

"In the Midst of Chaos, There Is Also Opportunity"

— Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Hello, this is your Daily Dose of Sun Tzu Quotes until the next update releases.

But first, a word from myself. NTRC should be added to Maeve's Academy as a cameo

Day 4:

"Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look upon them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death"

— Sun Tzu, The Art of War

50 Funny Sun Tzu Quotes That'll Surely Make You Laugh - Some Think Of Value

At this point I honestly can not remember which Maeve's design is the current one

I cried

Let's goooo!!!! side-scrollers are always welcomed. Look absolutely beautiful!

Hello, this is your Daily Dose of Sun Tzu Quotes until the next update releases.

But first, a word from myself. Today I literally played games all day. It leaves me with three days until my next exam. I plan to draw all day next day.

Day 3:

"Know thy Self, Know thy Enemy. A Thousand Battles, a Thousand VIctories"

why tf did you spell it like Zu, I would've never guessed it was a pun if you didn't do it rn 😭😭😭

Hello, this is your daily dose of Sun Tzu quotes until the next update releases.

But first, a word from myself. Today I had my Linear Algebra exam, and I actually passed it! Now I will only have a maximum of 7 academic debts (I literally have no idea how you call unpassed exams in english, and I had to write about this topic like twice on my english lessons) this semester.

Day 2:

"If fighting is sure to result in victory, then you must fight, even though the ruler forbid it; if fighting will not result in victory, then you must not fight even at the ruler's bidding"

Hello, this is your daily dose of Sun Tzu quotes until the next update releases. I think these quotes are quite fitting to our daily lives. There is a lot we can learn from the teachings of the man who invented and perfected the idea of war

Day 1:

"The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting"

— Sun Tzu, The Art of War

(1 edit)

What if NTRC was instead FRKC (I will guess C stands for coconut), and instead of commenting on Maeve's Academy they um, uh, idk, go touch grass (I would never do that myself)

I failed my mathematical logic exam. I hate that old ass man and his bald ass head. Good thing I don't have plans for the future so I can adapt to any hardships. For example my solution to the problem of having to prepare for exams is to play video games instead

That one scene from Detroit Become Human where the funny android guy screams wake up

It's a prove that we all remember somehow every comment that was ever left here