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A member registered Mar 13, 2024

Recent community posts

I getcha.

Where in the world did you get the idea that the game is in Russian?

You do what the troubleshooting tips tell you, and run it.

Are any of those updates going to give Bloodmoon Ari a lose scene?

Steam has the same updates Itch has. But no, there's no reason to buy it twice. Steam doesn't get anything special that we don't get here.


Looking at Ari does nothing. She pounces you if your SAN is low.

There's actually a hint in the control room. Look for the plaque with Ari's picture that says something about Employee of the Month for Mental Awareness.

Did you read the troubleshooting tips?

Bloodmoon Ari works like the Weeping Angels. She only moves when you're not watching her through the cameras.

Her scene's probably just not finished.

The game is super early in development. Current build is only

So yeah. Story is super bare bones. Not sure what you expect from a game that is basically in alpha.

Same for... pretty much everything else. Things are not finished. Things are nowhere near finished.

Give the devs better feedback than, "What's the story?!?!"


Arcade Mode hasn't been active since they switched engines.

It's early in development. There's not going to be a lot of content now. It takes time to develop and publish a full game.

Just... wow. Even though the game is *super* early in development, what's completed is better than most other games on Itch; *especially* in the adult space. Most of those are boring, bland cashgrabs that ignore fun gameplay and good writing just to speed you to half-assed porn that isn't even all that good.

I know it's probably gonna be another year or more before it's done, and that's a bummer, but I strongly believe it'll be worth the wait. Gonna have to keep this one on Follow.

By the by, y'all got any more of them neural interface AI girlfriends I can plug into my brain in The Real?

...Why would either of you not know how game updates work? How old are you? Have you never bought a game before?

There is no Steam version at the moment.

The fix is actually to use the cheat fix. The cameras "break" because you messed up Nile's (the black cat) mechanic. If her heart triggers while you're on her, you have to let it fill up before you move or she breaks the camera.

Glad to help.


The story is *really* needed for the current level. Like... why did the resort hire a watchman to guard what seems like a completely abandoned facility that's been left untouched so long grass is growing through the foundation? Shouldn't it be condemned? That can't be safe.

I mean, it *is* abandoned. Right? Surely they don't actually have customers in the place. It looks like it could collapse at any moment.

I can guess why the girls are there. They're wound up, and there's a lone dude just stuck there for six hours. But why have the guard in the first place?

(1 edit)

It's nice to be getting a new map, but... like... Why the hell does the first level appear to be some sort of long-abandoned nightclub/industrial facility that's been sitting so long grass is coming up out of the floor?

I get that the game is nowhere near finished, but it feels like some story beats would be nice to have, even if it's just delivered via that first phone conversation, or in a quick paragraph that shows on-screen before the first night.

Just a little feedback. Loving the game so far. Would just like those minor story elements to make sense of it.

Also, holy shit Ari is looking feral. I thought she was the perpetual mental health employee of the month. xD

You close the doors only when they're on the windows. If none are on the windows, you're fine, except for Misty, Ari, and Bloodmoon Ari. If you keep them closed all the time your sanity will drain ridiculously fast. You don't want that.

You avoid Misty by not squeaking your plushie more than 5 times in 5 seconds. If you accidentally do, you'll hear her scream and have a brief moment to close the left door. Keep it closed, and squeeze the plushie like your life depends on it. She'll bang on your door and drain your sanity rapidly. Squeaking the plushie will keep it up.

For Ari (green fox), if she sticks her head in the door make sure your sanity is high. That's it.

Bloodmoon Ari only shows on Night 12. She starts at the end of the long hall, and only moves when you don't have a camera on her. To survive the night you have to keep her from reaching you along with everything else. If she reaches you, it doesn't matter if you close the door. It's game over regardless.

Vaporware doesn't get regular updates. The game does get updates. That doesn't mean they're available to *you* in the free demo.

I'm thinking you're not old enough to be here.

Obvious troll is obvious. Also just begging to be reported for harassing the creator.

...Probably not? The whole point of the game is to *avoid* getting forcibly cuddled.

Nile only breaks a camera if you look at her through that camera and don't fill up the heart.

If she's in the window, just close the door.

Did you really just come onto a developer's site and admit to pirating their already affordably priced stuff while asking for a job?

Not available yet.

Because this game is in development? Did you read any of the information on the game prior to buying it? Are you unfamiliar with how Early Access works?

You figure out where you extracted the game to and run it. We can't tell you where you did that.

What are you on about? This is not a "hacked version". The Steam demo is not a "hacked version".

This is the main distribution channel, currently. Steam is only a demo.

I get that it might be hard to grasp, but a company can advertise its game through multiple channels.