Funny! I played for an hour and never once saw anything, despite constant growls wherever I went. I do have a couple more gameplay questions, if it's alright? I'm stuck on how to place items. I was able to craft a bed and a campfire, and I thought i could place at least the bed inside a building. I right click on it, select 'place', and then...nothing. I see it on the menu below next to the flashlight, and it's highlighted, but I tried pressing different keys and clicking and nothing happened. I thought it was because it has to be outside, but nothing worked there either.
Also, for when I do encounter a wolf or something, how dangerous is it if I don't have any armor yet? I made a gun, but I'm still nervous about coming across something to use it on, lol. Oh, and one more thing, I saw in the audio settings that there's music but its default is 'off'. I tried switching it on, but it doesn't take. Should I be pressing something to apply the changes? I really appreciate the responses!!