Hey. Im not sure if anyone still plays this game, but i was just wondering if anyone had a full walkthrough? Im at the point where it says "continue Magic Route story-line to progress" but I have no clue what im missing since nothing is happening. If anyone could help, itd be gladly appreciated
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Uhh... Well, as it turns out there may still be a huge bug.. Everytime I try to talk to Tali now, it says "Her trust level is now 4! You've unlocked a new fun option! Mabel has lost her bra... will you help her find it? Hehe~ You've unlocked a new background for her! Check her panel", then it sends me back to the title screen.
I've had some problems with the game. Firstly, whenever I enter Mona's store an error occurs and I am not able to see the store at all. Secondly, I had been playing through the game for a bit, and I got to the point where Tali joins the manor. But another error occurred when I spoke to her in the evening where it sent me to the title screen and I lost my progress for the past 4-5 hours. I'd like to know when if these bugs can be fixed?