Genial. Espero entonces para hacer el pedido en lulu. Gracias!
Recent community posts
Every scene is resolved in a single fate check? If this is right...what's the difference between a combat scene and a detailed combat scene? H
There's no enemy stats or advance clocks or something like that? ow can u enter in an advantage scene and why you can ever need it? What's the sense of some traits? By example Frostbite Assault (you spend 1 fallout to do more damage... to what?)...or Icy Blast (you make area damage). It's just flavour? can die?
In the sentence "Once you've chosen your feature, take the suit assigned to it t and take advantage of any traits that give you a bonus to that particular suit "...what you mean by "take the suit"?
How is determined the rank of the suit? I guess spades > hearts > clubs > diamonds cause is the order of the Features and Resource track but can't find it explicitly.
There's a correlation between the suit and the feature? or you can put, let's say, combat skills in diamonds and mental skills in heart. Or mix different skill types? And how many atributes you can/should put? You should add/remove some with experience/injuries/advancement?
Maybe i'm too used to the ironsworn system and the advantage/disadvantage combat mechanics and my questions seems weird.
Purchased the class time ago, no need community copy, but thanks. The confusion is that when you go to the "paid" download section don't have all the files. You have to download part of the files from the free section and some from the paid. I think the paid section should have all the files to avoid confusion (maybe it's just me but I find it confusing).
1.5 rules have a new ready action and 1.0 classes don't.
That card system gets me intrigued. Seems adds a layer of resource management to the game that my tabletop eurogame soul could love. Also seems the game could be very soloable. Purchasing the game in will provide access to the final version of the game? Or have to wait to september crowfunding to get the full version?
Same oppinion. ICON is a great name, but causes confusion with ICONS (the supers rpg). When someone talked in reddit about ICON I had troubles to understand he was talking about this game and it took me some time to find this page.
Also...i'm reading the rules of the playtest and having a blast. Waiting for the KS.