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A member registered Nov 01, 2022 · View creator page →

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Unpopular opinion: This game is dead...

@Pelican, can we get a ranked gamemode pls, Matchmaking still isn´t working that great, i am most of the time getting in lobbys with players way below my skill level, I know there is m8m6 but, it just doesn´t feels that mutch worth grinding. In a ranked gamemode, you would only be getting in lobbys with the same rank as you, so you would be playing only against players and with players of your skill level. 1v1 tournemants are great, but aren´t really reflecting a players understanding of the game and all his abilitys, a ranked gamemode, would be doing that. Can we have that as a lil christmas gift pls? :)

I love your work!

guest 505 prb still had the best aim out of them, but i think i got them a lil mad 

castels, or tombs are the best, you will be getting sweety matches most of the time atleast, tempels is the worst, you are never able to run straight, everything is curved

i feel you´re pain brother

the k/d is close but not good enough, however since i know you a bit and know that you´re are very good player, you can join

i mean its good, but not good enough

so it will be

yeah i also joined itch in nov. 2022 so after i played a bit already

uff, but atleast they are all like OG

i like it

join K3B8 and we will see about that

i feel you, but i want to make a clan, in which are only realtiv good players, i don´t really know how good these joining reguaments are, if they are to high or to low, we will see, maybe i am gonna change them

i am, but till this day i am not having a single fearless pice

i think i started in like the end of 2021 or beginning of 2022, but i wasn´t playing all the time 

Hello everyone, 

its me cololni14, I renamed my self and now I am cl5oni.

I am also creating a new clan: the oni clan, to join it, you atleast need:

  • a 3,5 k/d or higher
  • 100 wins or more
  • a 65 % win rate (to see that, type loses/wins*100 in your calculater)
  • a pretty good understanding of the game
  • play on pc or laptop (i know there are a few pretty good mobile players out there, but pc players are most of the time better)

i don´t care how often you play, you only need these stats. To join, write a message or answer this post, with a picture of your alt stats. After you have shown these stats, and I approved, you are able to join the clan by putting oni (no capslogs) behind your name.

Lets see who has the stats to join...


i do have these stats:

balanced, also having 70 kills and only 17 deaths

finnaly got a sweaty game again, even tho its was a squad that joined in (I think), GGs

bro what, how long have you been playing for 289 kills

I think I know what you mean, I saw some players using it, very annoying to fight against

thanks for boosting my self confidence 😂

Had to carry my team to get make the 3:2 out of the 0:2

what is poosting, I never heard that word in my N1 timeline?

Even tho I probably don´t know you that much, I am wishing you the best and for your knee. Its gonna be alright. You sure had a very great impact in this game and its community. You´re a legend!

Thank you for everything, have a good one!


it´s ok bro

you´re too

thx bro

GGs Guest 879, it was pretty close tho

this also is a problem which exists because of bad matchmaking, if you would have relativ equally good teams you would´nt be able to camp that much at all

I mean you will still have the old version, were you would bve able to camp

I feel your pain

Thank you guys, I really like the latest changes to the maps, especially in Castels, I hope you´ll continue to work on these reworks. And pls do sth. about spawn camping on towers, cause its just to easy, like shortning the bridge or sth. so its harder to kill everyone while there are without any cover on the bridge, cover would actually be pretty good idea too. Anyways its your game so you decide what you´re doing and I am sure you´ll make the best out of it

Love your game :)

why ansys account?

Pelican fix your game, I am playing for 20min most of the time alone in a 1v3/1v2 and in the end 1v1, I let him capture the flag, because its stupid to fight a 1v1 in a puplic game. Cann you maybe do it so as soon there is only on player left in the team, that the game ends in a draw, or make your matchmaking better!!!

Bro, do u got like a life or sth???

I am not playing everyday, and if I do I will only play until I have made 1k coins, I am currently sitting on almost 82k coins, so I´ll be getting my first fearless in about a month, wich seems crazy tbh

I don´t want to flex but this is my overall k/d: 6/1

thx tho :)

