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A member registered Nov 11, 2022 · View creator page →

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Ok, I wondered if that may be the case! Thank you for responding! Your game is sincerely fantastic :)) 

Absolutely amazing game!!

Is anyone else having issues with bridges? I can't place bridges past like 8 blocks from my island, from any spot.

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To prevent the magus from dying you have to make sure to move the prisoner to the marabad prison and NOT keep them in the palace dungeon. To prioritize the public do things like opening the coronation up to the public, pulling the curtains back on the way to the coronation, stuff like that.  Also I don't remember completely but if Enzo was the one who gets injured when the assassin escapes then you have to say yes to adding extra security during the coronation. When I did that Enzo only had a broken arm, there might be a route where he isn't injured at all but I don't know it :/

oh my god this was hilarious! Sad, but hilarious!

I can't access Nakedtoasters route even though I already got the good ending for Nightowl and Quest. What do I do? :(((

yeah lol, if you check the game description it includes a link to the game guide

This was so fun!! The adult humour was hilarious and it's often not seen in otome games! The map was INCREDIBLE. I also really appreciated that your pronouns weren't dictated by the appearance you chose. I can't wait to see the full release!

Absolutely recommend!!! Short and sweet play through. Thank you so much to the creators of this!! 

THIS WAS SO GOOD!! I can not wait for the next chapters!!!!

This game reminded me a lot of X-Files, especially the soundtrack! It was a fun play and I'm excited to see what their future releases will look like.

TBH I don't know if there are new endings and I don't really know what triggered a different ending to show up. There was one thing I noticed though, which I'll explain in a bit. The ending you're talking about, the child eating one, was the second ending I achieved. The first ending I got from him was one where he killed me in a ballroom, in a substantially less graphic and terrifying away.  Or at least I think it was a ballroom (sorry it's been a while). The first ending I achieved just by following the guides. But ya know how on the last day he asks you to meet him somewhere later? Well at the end of the day that scene where I go to the place to meet him didn't happen. I just suddenly showed up at a ballroom (I think) where he was, he flirted with me, revealed his evilness, and then killed me. After he killed me and I somehow survived the next day I just played the day normally. But this time the scene where I go meet up with him did trigger. Which is the scene that you were referencing. 

I loved this game and I can't wait for the full version! I would love to see an option for pronouns and small character appearance customization if it's possible! 

This has happened to me with other games and this one as well. If it just says "The application "___" can't be opened" then download the app first. Then download the game from the app. 

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Did you use the guides? But by the way *spoiler for siris route* the success ending for siri is just getting cockblocked by eleni. The only way to enter a relationship with him is to unlock elenis success ending and enter a poly relationship with him.

ik right? 😭

Due to some error I unlocked 2 endings for Bugbear in the same run-through. Spoiler for bugbears routes below:

It seems all of bugbears success endings are death endings. I unlocked his success ending on Thursday which means he killed me Thursday night. But Friday was still registered so somehow I was still alive the next day. I played the day normally but I guess I unlocked the other success ending "sweet dreams" where he killed me in a different way. 

On a side note, the sweet dreams ending was really graphic and I'd appreciate a censor button for the picture or speed up button for the text. I know there was a prior option of censoring the route but I had assumed it would only be graphic to the level of the 'butchering the pig in the professors office scene.' I was playing this at 2:00 AM in a pitch black room and while I know many won't be playing in these circumstances I'm sure there are still quite a few.

no thats the drink in cute indie game "an average day at cat cafe", you're thinking of a form of gambling that involves the drawing of numbers at random for a prize. 

get the clear cup -> get ice from fridge -> get the brown stuff from espresso machine (the brown stuff is just called espresso) -> get milk from fridge -> get the white stuff from espresso machine (which is actually called frothing the milk)