Will the 0.2.3 be released to the public? Or at least a version with the bug fixes (even without the new content)
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Hey, I encountered a similar issue, every game:
0-1 upgrade: 1st shot = freeze and -2HP
2 upgrades: 1st shot = freeze and -4HP
3 upgrades: same as 2 upgrades but also lossing 1HP when shooting the front cannon.
It makes the game unplayable, especially as guardians sometimes shoot cannonballs as soon as their head get out of the water (while the game freezes) so it's unavoidable
My opinion about this is that the game seems to have a short freese everytime a new animation plays for the first time in a level/game, so when I shoot for the first time, the freeze actually makes the projectiles hit myself, so probably making the projectiles unable to hit me who solve the issue (I'm not sure if the freezing issue could be solved as well).
Another fix I guess would be to allow the player to augment HP much more times so that hitting myself would not be that much of an issue
The concept is simple but should work, however it is slow (the character, the dialogues and the "animations") and filled with bugs, especially dialogues, either they don't work (some dialogues have no effects or produce the same lines as another one), or break the camera (at least on browser). One game-breaking bug is that the dialogue option to refill your money just doesn't work (no event or money), also it's not a bug but it's weird that you can continue playing with a girl even after she's totally stripped or with a negative amount of money even though you can't start a game without money. That's just an easy way to waste money since you can only win 350$ playing with a girl.
I don't know if we're supposed to be able to play with blonde girl, but I couldn't interact with her. I didn't find how/if we could play with coco (goth girl).
I could have the s*x scene with zara (homeless girl) even though I didn't strip her, didn't have to pay money either. When I called mia (red hair) she already had the "afters*x" skin even though we did nothing together yet.
About the s*x scenes, instead of the weird "animations" (just moving the images up and down) that just result in hiding a part of the image at the start of each "animation", I think just putting the image with a dialogue line would be better.
use the immunity totem when she strikes her 'heavy' attack and pray for it to be applied before her attack, keep to keep your health over 100, and wait for you to have aa lot of APs to use your ambush (knife icon) so you'll deal double the dmg next round. worked for me, although I had only 10hp remaining