No no, it's ok, thanks for your concern. However I would be interrested to join the discord, (I gave my profile name when ordering but I don't have invitation). :)
Recent community posts
Thanks for your clear answer! :)
I don't know about the price, but between 60 and 110 euro/dollar for a lifetime license could be a good compromise between your need for programmer funds and the limited means of certain users and also the limited size of chats even if saved (see bugs below). Fyi: I just purchased a short time licence today to test the PRO features and I like it! But I am a little bit uncomfortable knowing that there is automatic bank withdrawal each end of cycle. So, yes a lifetime license could be great (as long as there is no kind of Pro + version in the future) :p
1. The dialogue generation can sometimes stop (especially on long sentences), it's not a really big deal because you just have to try again but it's annoying.
2. Sometimes during a totally normal conversation (long but not always), the character start rambling by mixing verbs and words from some old (or not) messages. IE: "Oh no, maybe it's then yes I said it I said, said it!, but now we are here to, i can it! I think it's alright too!" or unfinished smaller strange one like "(giggling*". After some verifications, it look like it's a problem with exceded tokens limitation. It could be great to have the possibility to set it to 16384 or even 32768, because conversation are short (even with 8192 size). :/
Hi, I really like this tool and I would like to have the "Chats saving" feature because it's a must have! However I can't really afford that and I think the price is a little expensive (108€ a year with taxes) and I would have preferred a one time payment choice (even if a little more expensive). So I really hesitate...
1. If one day I decide to buy the pro, how can I be sure that the servers where my characters and their profile images are stored will not shut down one day (for one reason or another). (Because If I understand correctly, even locally stored character share their profile picture and description to the servers, no?)
2. This error can happen sometimes (from my logs):
[2024-04-14 19:15:36.242] [error] [llama-cpp-server@generateResponse] Error TypeError: terminated
Then, the character no longer responds, I have to reload it. If I get the "Chats saving" feature, I wonder if the conversation will be able to resume after this kind of error.
That's a lot of question I know, thanks and sorry for my imperfect English!