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A member registered Aug 12, 2016 · View creator page →

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oh hell fuckin yeah. good to hear from you

np! thank you so much :D

there's a program for similar to steam. i'm not sure exactly how it works but i think you have to mark the game files with the platforms they're compatible for so that the program is able to download them and manage them. so if you were to mark the windows version as being for windows on this game's page, and so on, they'd be able to be downloaded in the app :) i know once it's done each file will have the logo of the platform it's for appear next to it, so whatever does that i think lol

i hope that makes sense! kinda difficult to describe now that i've tried lol. if it helps, the app *was* able to download the previous version of the game, so if you know how you set that up that might help? sorry i can't be of any more help than that

hi - the new version can't be installed via the itch app! obv. i can still download it but it would be lovely if you could fix that, please. tysm, looking forward to going through this game again ^^

weird, i used chrome (on windows 10 for the record) as well and had no issues. might be worth trying out some other browsers ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

there's definitely more in this game, that pink didn't happen for me. weird bug of some kind?