Thanks Dom!
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Thanks for the feedback. I'm very happy to take requests for new ports to puzzlescript, it allows me to prioritise. Re Threesome... you can now try the old applet again here (playable if you use an applet-runner browser extension - as described in my FAQ). I've only just updated that page so if you've visited the page recently you might need to flush your cache, or give it another go later. You should see a "java" coffee-cup (against the title) if the page is refreshed.
There's a bit more detail about the mechanic here: Is this enough? There's one key interaction that you must discover but the page above gives you a heavy hint.
The dot markers on level 3&4 are still wrong, but assuming you mean the third level in order (the one with red & blue hats) then a key step is (rot13)... chfu n oyhr ung vagb gur gbc-evtug pbeare fb lbh pna rkvg vg (oevrsyl) gb chfu gur juvgr ung fbhgu. Qba'g jbeel nobhg gur ynpx bs fcnpr - lbh pna'g trg fghpx.
Thanks for playing. Just to confirm - level 8 is the one with 5 sandwiches and a 6-cell monster. Here are some hints:
1. Lbh zhfg svefg tngure gur jubyr obql ba gur evtug-unaq-fvqr
2. Lbh jvyy arrq gb cnex bar terra pryy nobir gur sybngvat oynpx vfynaq gb shyyl zvtengr gb gur evtug
3. Gur gnvy pryy zhfg or va obggbz evtug pbeare orsber lbh nggrzcg gb zvtengr onpx gb gur yrsg
Ooops. I think I underestimated the difficulty of level 7. Other people got stuck here also. Here are some hints...
1. Pbyyrpg gur fcner terra pryy orsber rngvat rvgure fnaqjvpu
2. Lbh jvyy arrq gb pvephvg gur tevq gjvpr
3. Sbe gur svany nccebnpu tngure nyy svir pryyf gbc evtug - jvgu gur gnvy va gur pbeare
Ah. Yes. That move sequence looks very close, with just one green cell out of position. Your approach is basically in the right direction. Here are some hints in rot13. I think the first one you might already know.
1. nvz gb pyrne gur obggbz evtug 2k2 oybpx bs pryyf
2. nibvq oernxvat gur oybo va gjb
3. fgneg ol pyrnevat gur pryy va gur prager bs gur evtugzbfg pbyhza
The strategy beyond two levels deep I really struggle with also. If you can find a solid strategy for the 7-switch puzzle I would consider this a success, especially if it also works for the 10-switch puzzle. Historically this puzzle was first offered as a java applet (20 years ago) which in itself was a virtual manifestation of a pre-existing physical puzzle, neither of which I originally implemented. The bug yesterday made me question whether this new app is behaving exactly like the old applet. Both apps must be fully deterministic, but differences in timing and animation could mean events happen in a slightly different order, during a large cascade of coins. The available coin slots at the top would have been chosen to ensure that all puzzles are solvable regardless of the start-state of the switches, but is this still true? Now I am not so sure. If I can clarify, I will let you know.
The issue is now fixed and V2 of the app is uploaded. The problem was triggered by a short stack of exactly two coins falling in unison. The first would hit the tail off a switch and fall through and the upper coin would then get caught (but the slot would remain green). An interesting edge-case, although I'm surprised it crops up so rarely!