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there are 3 types of card texts that impact the cards
(Passives) are in brackets and can be used once per turn, with no limit on the number that can be used.
_Abilities_ are underlined, and only one on a card can be used per turn
Notes have no modifying characteristics and are used to denote what can and can't be done
E.g.: if you use an ability, you cannot use the other ability/abilities on this card until it leaves and re-enters play
Here's a card that uses all 3 text types:
as you can see, while the passive is not an ability, you still cannot use it on the same turn as throw spear, which is an ability. This means that the damage increase can be blocked by guardira (see below) but the base attack cannot. (I use gray as the image base for cards with white details)
Edit one: fixed accidental þ usage
Edit two: added some more clarifying information and this edit log
Edit three: added a line of sight example
-There are a few slots where you can place your cards
-Each card can move one half of its level rounded up, maxing out at 7 spaces
-If an egregor card is attached between 2 cards, the lower cards's mobility overrides the higher card
-All character cards have at least one mobility space while war machines (and cards with more than 3 attached cards) are halved again
-Walls cannot be passed through by cards or attacks unless the card is a ghost or the attack is piercing and/or magic, which in the piercing case it deals half damage (rounded down) unless otherwise stated (creating a sort of line of sight mechanic)
-attacks travel in a straight line from the attacker to the target
-Vampiric level cards can drain levels from any card in their line of sight (and teleport to the siphoned card when siphoning) but follow normal play rules otherwise
-There are spots that don't belong to either player which are open for cards to move to, but not play on (except egregor cards (which are more complicated equipment cards), equipment/vengr cards (both of which are played directly onto others as normal), and fusion cards (which takes the spot of one of the cards used to fuse))
-Location cards are placed within your playing area and cannot be moved, and they affect a (location level) x (location level) (+1 to location level if it's even) square with the location at its center (and undead cards revived by cereae graveyard dew can be directly placed anywhere within its radius)
Line of sight example: Wondabarappa here can target any of the purple rectangles that the yellow lines intersect with (and I think the one to the right of the uppermost right one)
Heres a drive link to all my custom and converted cards: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1QBOmkMj-u4bgOSeWBV6U0IsEFOCpyEPN
I have 21 custom cards including the converted cards and the outdated spoon variations

Element spoons- Very weak but do +1 damage of a certain element per spoon on board

Air frier (level 1 cards and level e cards are the same thing except e is for joke cards)- Sacrifices arent required but if you do you can sacrifice whatever for the sacrificed cards's damage and element

Spicy chicken- gives ANY other card +1 fire damage (Warning: includes enemy cards!)
Rogue legacy spikeball (technically its a spiketor)- Invulnerable to damage but dies after 5 bounces and it bounces when it collides with a wall. If played on a basic "player 1 row player 2 row" or "player 1's x rows player 2's x rows" or basis it just bounces left to right on the row it was played on.
Scenario- Elemental damage- Each card that deals damage is assigned one of 4 (nature, fire, air, and water) element if it does not already say on the card. Cards with the element that was randomly chosen at the start of the game deal double damage. Unwritten exception: Air frier absorbs element of damage as well but otherwise its entirely unchanged
Here's message link w/ all my cards as of this post: https://discord.com/channels/868630502280675338/868635276577222687/9407109846732...