heya! Thank you for checking in, i am officially releasing this as is, for free :) I hope you enjoy the game!
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Hey, thank you for the comment! Its been a while since i have been able to do anything with the project, i ran into a bunch of life hiccups ( moved across country, needed to look for a job, tried to balance work and development time) , I have recently picked the project back up, looking over the scope and everything. Currently for an update, i am looking through and solidifying some game switches , specifically the one which (Spoiler alert) re specializes your characters (once you unlock the upgrade). I know i set most of them up, but i wanted to just go back and double check. I still have a bit of bugtesting to do, but hopefully I can finish this up soon. Ill give you another update as soon as i can :)
I am releasing my game for beta access for $5 USD. I am also hosting an event that will run until the full release, the top 10 players to report the most bugs, will get the game for free when released. The rest who bought the beta will be able to pay an extra $2.50 to get the game. When it is released the game will be $10 USD for the rest of the players.
Game Link: Tales of Androstia
Game Website : omnichronicles.com

Tales Of Androstia is a 2D Fantasy RPG Game which takes place in the fantasy world of Androstia. Players can spend countless hours on questing, fighting monsters, interacting with over 200 unique characters, and exploring an enormous landscape with over 20 cities. Another unique feature I have included is a branching class system. There are four characters with 4 base classes, once you get to level 30, you will get a skill called Unlock Tier II . You must look for the Class Expert for each class to advance to one of two expert classes. Players can do this again at level 60 with Unlock Tier III. You can find the list of Class list in the blog section of the website . This is a start of a lore-driven series. If suggested enough I may implement a book system with multiple books implemented. I may publish some in the blog on the website.