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A member registered Jun 28, 2017 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)


I've been working on Doug for a while now, adding new features and making changes based on feedback on my game.

I believe that the changes I've made are overall beneficial to the game and tackle a fair share of player feedback received, which was mainly focused around adding sound effects, improving the UI, and the weapons. I still understand there are a lot of issues which still need to be addressed, which I will hopefully be able to tackle in the next version of Doug.

However, if you want to check out my game, you can watch the video below or visit my page.

I look forward to updating you next time. :)

Thanks you for reading.

- Clintos 

Hi DonPuno,

Thank you for taking the time to review my game, I really appreciate it!

I had no sounds. Maybe the game has no sounds so far.

Correct, the current version of the game has no sounds. However, I'm actually currently working on adding sounds into the next playable version!

Dropping the weapon with a key which is located around the WASD-Area would be fine. For example Q or E. The same key for picking up would be very comfortable as well.

Great idea! I've heard similar feedback from others too, so its definitely something I'll change as soon as possible.

A little menu for quitting and pausing the game.

Completely agree with you here!

A kind of score system to that you get a kind of reward for playing

Yep, I've already got some plans for scoring and tracking player progress in the game! The current idea is to have multiple levels the player will linearly progress through, however they can choose the visit previous levels with their current statistics and gear.

Balancing the enemies. With the right weapon, like that flame thrower, you can easy rush through the whole level. It is just walking and shooting all the time. But aiming is not needed at all. Just clicking.

This is still something I'm constantly working on trying to fine-tune, which I'm admittedly having some trouble with. There's a very fine line when it comes to balancing the weapons and enemies. 

Regarding the Igniter (flamethrower weapon), I've also received feedback regarding the potency of it! It's having it's damage values and RPM reduced to avoid making it absurdly strong against all enemies currently in the game, whilst still trying to maintain its identity as a powerful flamethrower. Therefore, once the updated version of the game is released, you'll be hopefully pleased to see that the Igniter will become a contender against other weapons in it's rarity level rather than a clear winner.

I hope I could help you. If you'd like to take a glimpse on my recent game "Balls of Steel", it would make me super happy to get a feedback. Just if you like and have time for it for sure ;)

You've helped me so much! I'll definitely check your game out and let you know what I think as soon as I can! :)


- Clint

Hi Dr3ad_22,

Thank you for your feedback.

Regarding weapon changes, I'm working on improving the weapon sprites, their functionality and ease of use, which also leads to the following point: I plan to improve the particle system as a whole, with the main aim being to ensure that projectiles particles and collision particles don't feel as intrusive, but also look better! 

Once again, thank you!

- Clintos

(1 edit)

Hi Shifful Studio!

I would suggest removing the installation for now, maybe when the game is finished it will be more relevant but for now it feels quite annoying (maybe others here feel differently :)). 

Regarding the installation issue, once I release the next playable version, I'll promptly remove this!

Can I replace weapons?

Yes! You can drop weapons using the 'Enter' key, which is an issue on my part for not making that clear. I'll update this to make it easier to understand! 

Also some of your weapons need a visual upgrade (mostly the special weapons, the regular automatic rifle and sniper are awesome). 

Yep, I completely agree! All sprites in the game are constantly being changed and tweaked, including all special weapons!

Thank you so much for your feedback, it's greatly appreciated!

- Clintos

Hi everyone. I've recently started work on Doug, a 2D top down chaotic shooter currently in its early stages of development.

It would be extremely helpful if you could try out the game and provide feedback on its current state. You can take a look via the following link at

If you dont want to play the game, feel free to just watch the following gameplay snippet:

Does the game face any framerate drops for you? Does it crash? Does the shooting feel lacking or satisfying?

Looking forward to hear what you have to say!

(1 edit)

Greetings to everyone. I've recently started work on Doug, a 2D top down chaotic shooter currently in its early stages of development.

It would be extremely helpful if you could try out the game and provide feedback on its current state. You can take a look via the following link at

If you dont want to play the game, feel free to just watch the following gameplay snippet:

Does the game face any framerate drops for you? Does it crash? Does the shooting feel lacking or satisfying?

Looking forward to hear what you have to say!

I have added these comments onto my feedback list. I am currently in the works on adding the multiple tweaks and additions you and other external people have recommended!

Thank you

(2 edits)

Thanks a lot for this feedback h1G!

I am actually working on making a Melee system for the player. I'm not sure when it will be implemented, since its really buggy and I still need to learn how collision code works for this melee system. But apart from that, there is definitely something in the works!

Your request on music will also definitely be added soon! That completely went unnoticed by me haha. 

So, as for the fanatic class, what recommended improvements should be made in order to make it a viable option?

Thanks for reading,

- Clintos

(2 edits)

Hi there! I am Clintos, and RPS (Role Playing Sprite) is my first project. I've been working on this prototype for a while now, and feel like now is the time for me to show my game to you guys. This is a 2D bullet-hell shooter, where the player can choose from 4 classes that pertain their own distinct play-style. Levelling up will result in your character improving through an increase in Health, Bullet Charge, along with new weapons and abilities. As you can see, it is a pretty basic game, since I'm pretty new to this game-dev stuff, but I'm loving it so far!

In this prototype, you are pretty limited to what you can explore and what to do, since I'm still grasping all the core aspects of the game and what it resemble. 

What do I want to get out of this? Well, I'd LOVE to receive feedback on the game. Express yourselves, and most of all, have fun :D