Does Crush still come in both orange and grape?
For beer, Grain Belt has (had?) a distinctive logo. Of course, there's Schlitz, too.
I think you'll need more than just the DUF files; morphs are stored separately in DSF files in a hierarchy in the data/ folder of one of your libraries, usually your MyLibrary.
It's totally BS that they took all your electronics and don't even clone the drives and return them; that's a stiff punishment on its own, without it even being established that you've done anything wrong. As we say in the US, "The Process *is* the punishment." The supposed "rights" we have are a mere illusion. >:(
The RPi needs ARM libraries that I've not seen included with any game. Additionally, the 32-bit libraries that Ren'Py provides as an optional download won't work with a 64-bit RPi OS, so they need to be compiled or, as the case with Manjaro ARM, provided by the distro's renpy package.
I'm not asking game devs to provide RPi builds - they have enough work to do - just pointing out that the game can indeed be played on a Raspberry Pi and it's quite easy for users to do. :-)
I just saw you added Linux as a platform; I assume for x66? Just letting you know I'm enjoying your games (currently Avalon) on my Raspberry Pi 4B; I just run it from the Ren'Py launcher (since I'm on Manjaro-ARM, I can't just put in the 32-bit ARM Ren'Py libraries, so I use the distro-supplied Ren-Py).
Definitely a tribute to Ren'Py's portability and kudos to you, too, for a good job coding.
A very fun, if not overly-deep, game with a relaxing pace. The ladies are all slender and petite, which is a welcome departure from the prevailing VN standard. They each have a distinct personality and style and their own storylines, including off-screen interactions with one another. The render quality is good and the animated scenes are also well-done, most with camera and speed options.
Nicely done!
Just finished up to the current Episode 3, Part 2 and am completely hooked. Don't let the smexxxxy pix over there on the right fool you; there's way more to Ripples than that.
Excellent characters with personalities and stories of their own, an intriguing plot, and plenty of relationship/H opportunities that mesh organically with the overall story. I'm most eager to follow the continuation of the tale!