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A member registered Jun 10, 2024

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can I please be a mod I'm good at being mod

can I please be moderator 

can u give me moderator please

yo BrixGames can I please be moderator everyone saying they can't open the game, but I can open the game so, yeah, I really want to be moderator for a game, and I haven't been able to find a game that will give me moderator, so please give me moderator, I'll do everything a moderator does I'll ban people for a reason kick people for a reason. Everything like that, please give me moderator.

Yo, can you give me mod I'll use it the right way you can reply to me like what I have to do to like, be able to kick people, ban, people anything, just if you give me mod I'll be really happy, I'll do what ever you say, I have to do everything, bro, just give me mod please. 

yo can I be a moderator I will use the permission of being a moderator when I have it (if I even get moderator) but anyway please give me moderator I will follow the rules