Thanks for the suggestion!
Recent community posts
I'm reading the book with wonder for the variety and creativity of the contents!
One question about the two special class Child of HE/SHE: what do you mean with "roll three sixies"? In one roll? In general? With adjacent rolls?
Another about the Infectious Introvert class: are the Plague Mask and the Veil of Disease for all four "sub-classes" or for the Outcast one only?
Thanks for the class! It reminds me of one character I used to play in Path of Exile (videogame). This sort of grim dark predator-ranger-archer is new and unique among the fan maded classes that I found.
I have some doubts about his abilities.
When and how should the player assign the random effects to the arrows? Can a single arrow have more than one effect at time, maybe enanching it at the end of the day and adding new effects the next day before the expire time? Can a player rolls for a day the same effect resulting in that case in only one magical buff?
Sorry for all the questions. I know that I can easily use the class with my rules but I would like to know also the opinion of the original creator ;-)