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A member registered Mar 29, 2022 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

Sure thing! I've just sent you a friend request (I have friends only direct message enabled) My username is Cobalt (cawboo)

(1 edit)

So, I think I may have found an interesting interaction... is there any way to get this working with a custom menu? I was wondering why the images wouldn't pop up and I troubleshooted and realized that the custom item menu I'm using must not be compatible :(

Thank you so much for the fast reply! Reading has never been my strong suit... ;-;

I appreciate you!!!

Parameters not iterable?  not really sure what this means. Tried it on a fresh project and issue persists. Thanks for your hard work!

Sleepy jo so fun!

Thanks for playing! I've updated the controls on the Itch page.

Awesome! Thanks for checking out our game

Thank you so much for playing our game :D

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I said this in another comment, but duh! I knew i was forgetting something on the itch page. Thank you for bringing that to my  attention :)

Thank you for playing our game!! and DUH!! I knew i forgot something important haha, i'll update the itch page.

Thank you so much for your kind words :)

So sorry about that, definitely the most unfortunate thing is how many softlocks there were that we had missed. Thank you so much for taking the time to play our game.

Thank you so much for playing our game! Sadly, we only had a couple days to work on the game out of the jams running period of a week. I know this doesn't necessarily excuse the lack of music and sounds (we wanted these things too!). If you enjoyed our game, we are planning on revamping and improving it post jam. The softlocks are a major issue and during our playtests we came across and squished all the ones we could find, but that turned out to be about... 8% of them :] There was also a ton of cut content that we sadly didn't have time to implement.

- Fast travel, to mitigate the protagonists slow move speed

- More unique tool usage, ie fishing minigame type thing

- More animations to make collecting treasures feel more rewarding.


Regardless, we appreciate your kind words & valid criticisms!

If you use Twitter, you can keep up with any potential updates there if you are interested.

Programmer - @knrcGames

Artist - @cawboo

(2 edits)

Thank you so much for your help and reply, its super appreciated and helped me realize some things...

It DOES work properly; it reads zero because it IS zero when the game loads. However, the value displayed in the menu (which is zero at launch) does not update when the variable is increased through gameplay. let's say you pick up a seashell and the seashell counter started at zero but is now one. Thats the kind of interaction I'm trying to achieve, and it doesn't seem like the menu updates when the variable increases. Is this intended design or am I still confused haha... 

Thank you so much for your help :) 

I'm  a little confused on how to properly work the variable part of the menu. I've used $gameVariables.value(1), because the variable im trying to display is 1. But all it displays is zero, even when updated it through events. 

Second question, if i wanted to display money instead of a specific variable, how would i do that? 

Thank you!

That worked great, I did have the same problem as the commentor that you linked... an @ was stuck on that wasn't accounted for in the Signs part of the plugin. Thank you so much for your continued help and I hope I won't have to ask for any more lol.

(1 edit)

Below is using the same font, with the same settings (Eli Book & BitmapFont are at the top of the plugin list), in my own project file. I also started a new project just to see if it was happening in both. Sadly it is... I thought that by maybe setting the 'use space as bitmap' to false it would fix the problem, but sadly it seemed to do nothing? I haven't tried deleting the cached bitmap font though. Maybe that has the space stored in it or something.

(my current project)

^fresh test project

Hi again! thank you so much for your continued help... its been really really helpful to me and I really appreciate it.

Sadly, i've got another issue :(

Below is the bitmap font I built, running correctly in your provided sample world.  (also ignore the cutoff i was tinkering with the resolution to see if that was the issue)

(itch io was being weird posting part 2 in another comment)

Sorry for asking yet another question... 

Is there any template to the bitmap fonts? If i'd like to make my own I'm quite confused. What is the spacing etc. supposed to be like. I've tried using the cyborg sister font included in the template as reference and I'm just confused by the spacing. 

Thanks !!

beautiful, thank you so much for the help. Worked perfect!

(1 edit)

Thanks for the help, Hakuen. This is from my current project.

Also for some reason, the tile set size bug is gone for now, if it comes back i'll let you know. I did some tinkering and it somehow went away. 

(3 edits)

how exactly do you initialize the plugin? In the demo project file it works fine. However, when I import Eli Book & The bitmap plugin, put my font in (which works on the sample project). The font does not load, and is instead using the default font. To clarify, I want the font to apply to all text throughout the game.

-Additonally, this doesn't seem to work with 32x32 tile size. Is there a workaround for that? The plugin seems to force 48x48, upon trying to change it back to 32x32, even after removing the plugin. I've tested this bug in other fresh projects, and even there once the plugin is installed, its forever stuck in 48x48.

No worries, thank you :)

Is there any way to disable the menu at game start? or at least have it automatically go to the game when the preload is completed?