Looks like an interesting concept, but steering is extremely difficult. Not to mention that you've tagged this game as an idle game when it obviously isn't.
Recent community posts
Noticed a bug - minute multiplier activated when I unlocked upgrade max +6 and started out maxed at 7. Unlocking later upgrade maxes instantly increased the multiplier by 6 without me buying anything.
At high minute speed, the gradient effect on the minute hand doesn't disappear once a minute has been bought
Needs more feedback on where buildings should be placed. I hard reset twice - once over misplacing a light framer, and once for the crystallizer - and when I realised I'd placed my first and only flux shifter in the wrong place too, that's when I decided to just not continue.
Either update the tooltips to more clearly show where you need to place buildings, or just stop the player from placing them wrongly in the first place, like you do with the flux pumps.
For anyone else playing, so you don't make my mistakes:
- Light Framers go next to Light Catchers
- Flux Crystallizers and Flux Shifters need to be next to a source of Flux.
For one reason, AI images such as the one you're using for your game's cover right now often indicate to people that a game is low effort; games with AI covers tend to use lots of other AI assets (which it doesn't look like yours does), or possibly use basic game templates without adding a lot else to it. Even when this isn't actually the case, people are going to assume it about your game and not give it the benefit of the doubt.
Additionally, many image generation platforms take advantage of plagiarized art and are massively energy inefficient, and most people recommend avoiding them altogether.