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A member registered Mar 11, 2016 · View creator page →

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also, one of my kits developed a crush on their full brother of the same litter??  seems concerning lol

suggestion; maybe instead of dying on the next moon- maybe have a notification of a cat *becoming* sick, and have the option to try and make sure the medicine cat heals them to give them a higher chance of survival and lower chance of death upon the *next* moon??

Maybe make it less powerful by only having it be possible for a medicine cat to dedicate special attention to one cat per moon.

so, if you have 2 sick cats one moon but only *one* medicine cat- you'd have to pick one, giving that one a higher survival chance then the other.

also on that note, reloading a save if its not already an option would be a great feature~
these suggestions brought to you by both of my fave cats suddenly dying of illness in the same moon with no warning lol

i'd pay way more the 12.99 for this tbh- i already bought the game once but I'm planning on buying it again on steam bc A: you guys super deserve the money, and B: i really like having games in one place lol

ahhh this is so exciting!!! i can hardly wait, wtnc is one of my fave vn's ever and I cant wait to see how amazing the revamp is! <3

ahhh im so excited!~ :'D

oo i personally really like D and C!~

super excited for this game btw- been quietly watching for a long time lmao, keep up the great work!!

just bought this last night and i was literally up till 5 am playing my first run through- and though im exhausted, i have no regrets lol

this game is amazing~ keep up the good work! im very excited for EK, and any other WTNC content <3 :)

i ADORED Nusantara Legend of the Winged Ones, so i'm super excited for this :'D i'm sure it'll be just,if not more amazing~