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A member registered Apr 19, 2015 · View creator page →

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ok, ive sent a friend request. im cbrld46 and cbrld is apparenly some other guy or null adress who somehow had this nickname. i changed it quickly, but forgot about post here(

hey, for those who tried to reach me, sorry, it turned out cbrld is some other dude, if you still want to reach out, im at cbrld46

hello. i did not use any set pallete.

thank you

i was kinda tired and trew it in, but now it has the full set of animations

New update, expanding the tileset. 
Also, if you are on the fence about buying, you can try the cut down free version on open game art:
11 fully animated fantasy warcraft style characters + buildings + tileset |

thanks, you can use those in commercial work and im open for commisions.

its cc by 3.0 i think. you can use and modify them for any commercial or non-commercial projects.

thank you

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cbrld46 on discord

im open

Nearing 150

Ворогів простіше оббігти, вдарити можуть тільки випадково або якщо умисно зупинишся, нагороди нема, хп у ворогів вистачає, тому бій це буквально трата часу. Дизайну рівнів поки що не видно. Ну і спрайти з ассет стора і історія і арти ші-генеровані. Тобто що залишилося це бродіння по пустим локаціям. Треба терміново завозити сюди гру, бо зараз це просто імітація гри.

i do, if it keeps selling

its all characters on the first picture + 5 added after release that you can see in comments. the peasant gif shows all his animations, other characters have same amount of frames.

Experienced pixel artist looking for project, can do rev share if project is its a decent project.

New update: vfx!

First update live

Thanks to those who bought. The work work is going for first update.

its cc by

massive update with 40+ new icons, soon on sale

cant do any promises for $10

there are several portraits that supposedto represent generic dwarfs and elves. can you elaborate on what you want?

They both are made on game maker studio 2, so that sort of error can only be some sort of gms bug(it became weird recently). Try running gms2 games from other developers.

is this windows vista

The pack is now infestedd by various ghouls, run!

Hello. Sorry, but im busy right now.


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Thanks, for pointing out, ive forgot to put amount in description. It 62 icons right now.

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This is the season! Were you naughty or nice?



Hello. Recently ive decided to experiment and try punching up and selling old unused assets i had on harddrive. Suggestions for stuff to be added walcomed.

Available again

Back in stock

Hello. Sorry, Itch io has very limited payment options and paypal works through third party site in my country. Ill probably remove this from store until i find a way to get money out.