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Cocolate _Cookie

A member registered May 21, 2019 · View creator page →

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I can't find the theme either. So I asked ChatGPT for a theme. It came up with "Lost in the Wilderness". So I will make a Game based on that theme.

I had plans to add sound effects and animations, but I didn't have enough time nor energy. The points sounds like a good idea. If I'm gonna continue on this project I will probably rewrite everything. 

This game really made my head work. :)
I love that you didn't use regular playing cards. It made it unfamiliar and I had to think in new ways. It was slightly annoying when I found a solution with fewer cards than required. But I kinda liked it. :)
I think it would be cool if you would be able to place any cards in any position. And only when all slots were filled there would be an indication of what is wrong. 
Also the icons on the cards was a really good idea and great for clarity. :)

The only thing is that I can't double click to rotate 180 deg. That makes some parts feel impossible. But except that I really liked the game. :)

How did you make it so that OBS capture transparency without using a chroma key?

Thank you for the feedback.

I do agree that the focus became less on the players and more on the heroes. 

I am not sure if I am goig to continue this as a roleplaying game. My programming skills are a bit rusty, so I might make this into a rescorce management game of some sort.

I had plans of also making enchanter, merchant and jeweler as playable classes. I just didn't have the time to make another one.

Again thank you for the awesome feedback. I might not have come to these conclutions as fast if not for you. :)