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A member registered Jun 14, 2020 · View creator page →

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How on earth can you succeed at 0.25x?

0.25x is the most difficult one?

I'm really sorry that the UI isn't pretty.

Until now, it is time consuming to think about the concept of the game. Next time, we will be able to make more cool games!

I think the pixel art from your previous game Track Zero is also really cool.

The effect that occurs when the ball moves is also really cool. :)

I'm really looking forward to the works you'll create in the future.

And you are so kind! :)

Thank you!

In actively reflecting your opinion, I should consider the UX/UI of my game more. :)

If I hadn't participated in this game jam, I wouldn't have heard of such good opinions!


Wow.. Are you from the future or aren't you an artificial intelligence made up of quantum computers?

See this incredible pixel art!

In particular, I think the fire effect on the left and right of the rocket is very pretty.

How is this made in two days...

Really? [0  Y 0] 0.20?

That's amazing!

That difference in time is almost like a computer.

As I made the game, I kept getting close to 0.4, so I decided to make it a success or not. :)