What i did was have 2 child game objects under the "Player" gameobject, each with animator components. I have a player animator controller for all the player related animations. For tools/weapons i have separate controllers and they are swapped out depending on which is "active"... I use ScriptableObjects to configure the different tools... Just what i came up with...
Recent community posts
Gotta say amazing work, purchasing these assets very soon! Curious on the slimes... i seen an image with 3 different sizes on the main asset page (i believe), are those planned in future? What about the additional animations that other enemies have? (specifically, the hit flash anim but attach also) Sorry for the questions... i'm planning/tweaking some gameplay features.
I cant for the life of me figure out why some of the sprites in tiles.png are duplicated :(
I noticed most are shadow/no-shadow versions... bushes, rocks, wood fences, etc. But I cant find any differences between the 6 chest sprites and the 2 stone wall sets. All appear in the spring "column" for reference. And why are they (the walls) not duplicated in the winter section?