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A member registered Aug 04, 2021 · View creator page →

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Awesome Game Declan! The movement is so seamless, humans could never catch me!

Loved the atmosphere, though the human's  frequent needing to visit the bathroom, what's with that?

<3 Thank you so much for playing! I've had couple people say the sheep looks like an imposter pig, but we know the truth!

Great Day 1 patch! Very well paced energy collectables and satisfying squish, awesome work Zaapp!

Day 1 patch is in, game is a bit easier and resource gathering bug is fixed.

I could have sworn utilizing mathematical algorithms approach to eating donuts was the only way, my mind has been expanded!

Love the art, design and atmosphere, incredible use of the theme! If anyone knows how to use the fish let me know!

Admittedly it is balanced around the mad clickers of the world, thank you for giving it a go!

Shortening your mouse lifespan is an integral part of the experience :D

Sorry for the confusion they are both VR versions of the game, however the PC build allows for the tethered headsets to run it, and  the APK allows it to be loaded into the Quest 2.

Some of those sly pedestrians walking one-foot on one-foot off the sidewalk! Awesome work!

Incredible stuff! Those dragons are so knowledgeable!

Aww what an incredible way to show the message!

Awesome work, great to see the progress!

Awesome art, tricky and fun game, nice job all around!

5/7 targets hit!

my lesson learnt:

  • Always eat your carrots!

I love the movement so much, I really feel like a leaf in the gutter! Incredible game!

Awesome game! The ending (No spoilers) was very impactful.