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A member registered Aug 03, 2020

Recent community posts

I spent hours playing this game yesterday, I love the aesthetic and the game play and hope to continue playing for a while!

This game is so pretty and so fun!!! I had a great time playing!

That got deep REAL quick

This game is really something special! I loved the use of the audio element in one of the puzzles. The art was amazing, and I found the game to be fun and atmospheric. Thank you all for your work on this game, I donated a bit myself and hope others play and donate too.

WOW, as both an engineer and someone who enjoys video games, I want to thank the creators for this game. This is an awesome way for students of engineering, and the general public at large, to learn more about the systems that created our modern world. 

I played this game until I had no space left on the screen! So fun!!!!

I had a great time playing this game!! I would love if there were more levels!

I love the internet because it led me to this specific game lol

This is a really cool concept!!

This game was so fun, thank you for sharing it with us!

I had a great time playing this game, thanks for working on it!

This game is incredible, I've played all 3 chapters so far and each one is better than the next. Keep up the great work!

Love the comedy/horror mix this game offers!

I really enjoyed this game and the music really helped set the scene, thanks for sharing!

My bug was the letter r lol but the game was really fun! Can't wait until you're able to fix it!

Such a fun little game, really cool concept!

Great game! This is exactly how I make my tea at home, astounded by how you managed to replicate that...

I downloaded this game and have played it several times, each time different stuff appears,  I get different letters, can go in different directions, etc. I haven't actually made it through my 30 I am going to keep playing until I can get all 8 endings :) Please keep us posted on future updates, but honestly, the game is great as-is!

Really enjoyed the game!

This game was really atmospheric, the music, art, gameplay, and dialogue made me feel like I was there!

(1 edit)

Cool concept, lots of fun! My only issue is that zooming in and out is a bit difficult, but I know you're no longer actively working on the game and I appreciate you making this free and easily available :)