Might be a miscategorization, so I thought I'd inquire: Is the Energize! Divine Item supposed to be a Passive Ability? I ask because there are three other abilities with a similar concept to Energize!, those being Powerup!, Powerup Again!, and Energize Too!, but they're listed under the Passive section while Energize! is listed as a Divine Item.
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i keep having this weird bug where sometimes my buildings become unresponsive and i cannot move them. they just have a phantom outline of where they used to be, and the building never 'snaps' to anything else. they just reappear where they were before no matter where i move them unless i destroy them- leading me to accidentally softlock myself after i destroyed my only mine when this happened, lol. aside from that, this game is excellent and I love it to bits!
Here's a map I rolled out earlier today! The way the dice fell ended up being oddly serendipitous, especially with the island to the side there. The lights themselves follow the shape of a constellation high above, the Bird of Paradise. Here are the meanings of the seven Colored Lights, lit during the week-long annual Lightbinding festival.
-The Smallest Ember-
The Blue Blaze burns the hottest, and dies the fastest. It is the shortest lasting of all the lamps, visible for only a brief burst before simmering into a smoldering pile of embers for the rest. The Blue Blaze lit itself when the magic of color flew through the world; as part of the Lightbinding festival celebrating the magic, it is always lit first.
-The Mimic Flames-
Much like green magic, the Green Lamps are unique in that they can change shape however its weavers make them. Each and every color is visible from the Green Lamps, and the Green Lamps themselves are so tall just about anyone can see them. Six of the seven Green Lamps correspond to the other celebrations across the archipelago, and are only lit when their corresponding lamp is lit- as a result, the exact order is different every year. Only one light is lit on its own, the true Green Lamp, only lit after three other lights are first.
-The Dark Sparks-
While the Yellow Lights are often called 'dark' in a derogatory manner, the truth is that they are simply not often noticed as part of the Lightbinding festival. The Yellow Lights conjured are not so different than the ones made with a match, so it's hard to tell what is and what is not part of the festivities. Some even believe there are no actual Yellow Lights, or that the Yellow Lamplighters are lazy and refuse to take part. As a result, some years the Green Lamps never light their Yellow Lights lantern! You'd have to live there or visit during the Lightbinding festival to know the truth of it, in the end.
-The Corporeal Fire-
Orange magic is the most concrete of the bunch, in a more literal sense; it makes physical objects for as long as the caster can concentrate, and with a robust enough knowledge of physics and construction, an orange mage can create incredible if temporary structures without expending much effort. The Orange Brazier is not a true building or landmark; it is a contest, where the best of the Orange Lamplighters compete to build the single tallest and most stable structure of them all. Whichever succeeds has the honor of hosting the Orange Brazier and lighting the orange light.
-The Torch of Insight-
Unlike the other colored fires, which are only lit during the Lightbinding festival, the Violet Lighthouse is technically manned year round. Under normal circumstances it functions as a normal lighthouse, guiding ships and providing a warning in harsh waters. However, during the festival, a very special violet light is lit within the Lighthouse instead. This light is bright, almost blinding, but legend says that those that meet its oddly eye-like gaze are granted great insight and wisdom in their previous actions. Most state that they feel they should have had greater foresight and not looked directly into a lighthouse bulb.
-The Passionate Inferno-
Indigo Lamplighters have great pride and honor in their part of the Lightbinding festival, a revered tradition and delighted holiday. As soon as the Blue Flame is lit in its vibrant and violent glory, the Parade of the Colors begins with its Indigo Fireworks. As indigo is the magic of all things spectacular and glorious, this is the biggest celebration of the entire archipelago; even The Wise can see the parade during the week it runs! There is a set parade path that the party marches down every year, and certain towns have become tourism hot spots during the parade as a result.
-The Forgotten Kindling-
At the end of the Parade of the Colors at the north side of the island, the Red Candles sit forgotten. They are important lamps, of course- all colors of magic are important- but their light is modest and overshadowed by the enormous party preceding their lighting. They are always lit last, and the ceremonies end when the wax has melted away.

this is so delightfully pleasant. i love the, the calm. and how it's so. sorry brains still a bit squishy, i starded calm and switched to hazy so. head purple
i think tharacter driven hypnosis experiments like this are a resounding success. theres something abt it that really gets me. the ability to switch up your experience mideay is really good too, love that little...that little bit of handling. i think this is exactly what ive been looking for and never realized i needed. its good.
i'm gonna do it again. blasts me in a good way and now im tired.
i just remembere di wanted to compliment you on the music too!! it's Exactly everything it needs to be. not too calmihg but not too mechanical. it hits the sweet spot that just jives my brain real good
its good. its so good. love this generic scientist man. would get cookies with him again 10/10
[edit] ALSO ALSO good job getting a codephrase to stick with me for more than five seconds bc that callback to the original experiment slapped me so hard abd i didnt even expect it to. tried half a dozen other ones in the past, this is the first and only one that hasnt just slipped off my brain like so much banana pudding
fantastic! excellent! this is EXACTLY what i've been looking for! i've been trying to find a good game about hypnosis FOR hypnotizing yourself, but i guess i've always looked in the wrong places; the games i did find were okay i guess, but something about them rubbed me the wrong way and i could never figure out how, you know?
and in comes dr. voldritch with the vibes i never realized i wanted, just in the nick of time! this was an excellent experience. very relaxing, made my brain feel squishy in a good way. also? i love the good doctor. top tier design. can't wait to try the follow-up when i've got the time!
[edit] reworded a sentance