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A member registered Jun 21, 2016

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I completely agree. Also Holy shit apparently I can edit ppl's replies why is this site so broken

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The Sheldon love ending kind of confused me. You stated that you only talked to him once and served coffee once. However it clearly states before hand that Sheldon came in every Saturday to talk with you on break. And there was also the indication that a quite a bit of time passed, at least a couple months or even more. That whole bit about jumping right to the love interest was actually in very poor taste, and you are right I am disappointed. Disappointed you would make such a gap in your logic. The tone that came across in your writing was very mocking and sarcastic, and it made it feel as though you created a message you did not intend to. In fact, it made the message come across the opposite of what I believe you intended. That is assuming you in fact intended for an actual message at all. Honestly I'm not sure if you just made this game to make fun of people who play dating sims or not.

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this game was and is AMAZING this is sooo much better than some of the dating sims I've bought off of steam < 3 beautiful better quality and longer story driven playtime! I love it :3 and those references. I totally cracked up at the Arin chin face photo Jared had. and I was ecstatic at the Majora's Mask reference in the astronomy (or was it astrology?) book.