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A member registered Apr 20, 2019 · View creator page →

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Fun! I love the controls!

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absolute classic! 

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Space Trader without the time limit! – wouldn't mind some sort of alert system for when I'm away from the computer (maybe a beep sound when profits/prices are above or below a certain threshold). The game saves on exit (even after a restart, I've tested it) so I will probably play this until the end of time.


No army in the history of the world has ever seen so many snakes come at them! Tons of fun!

There are some games where, as the credits roll, you just need to sit and let everything sink in. I felt that way with this game — a touching theme, a fitting end to a deep, emotional experience. The crude genius of Peanut Panda strikes again!

A+, will play again for the multiple endings! 

The writing and storytelling are certainly above average but it is within the artwork and animation where genius lies. It's hard to believe this was made by one person.

buy, sell, but never reach your goal! is it even possible? a super fun game, waiting for updates, hope it will keep being updated indefinitely!

family friendly, safe for the youngsters, so hard to find these days. Highly recommended for adults as well. Bravo!

a great game! i mean, not bad.