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A member registered Aug 06, 2021

Recent community posts

This update is gonna realllly expand the game, there's all these new areas and groups to be involved in. Looking forward tot it.

Things look good! Any idea on a possible release date fro the update as of right now.

How's the release schedule looking, late May still on the table?

I wonder what will come of Claire getting knocked up by "Croco-Daddy" in the upcoming update <3.

Excited for this new version to come out.

Do you have anything to report about any future updates, do you have an idea of when that could release?

(1 edit)

waiiiiit what is the lucky charm. I dunno where or what that even is. Is it the thing u get from Mahir, I forgor.

This needs to be updated right? Especially with the slut mode ending.

anything here changing with .6?

Hello, I know this is a question probably answered somewhere else, but how do I get my saves from older versions I have played over into the latest ones that I download.

very epic and neat, glad to hear things went relatively according to plan and to just seeing ur general enthusiasm about the whole thing, absolutely gonna check it out when released.

Any other place we can get updates/info other than the dev log?