Then you should advice on the save points from where to restart, becasu going again from zero sound like too much of a hazzle.
Game looks great btw, cheers.
Recent community posts
Hello there!!!
First off, Big fan, LOVE the game - Spectacular work! Thank you so much for this brilliant game mate :)
I just downloaded the latest update, but noticed there is NO walkthrough guide in the files, can you please tell me how can i find the latest guide?? (link if possible).
Please and thank you!
Thank you for the prompt response!
However, I now know I was the one in the wrong as I had missunderstood the game.
Yesterday I decided to restart the game to review the game rules, and I noticed that it felt like the tutorial mainly focused on talking about how your cards must beat the oponent cards in value (in whichever direction is used) - HOWEVER, at the end of the tutorial it makes a rather quick/vague mention of what (I then relized) is the actual goal of the game >> to capture cards!
I had missed this completly, as the main focus of the tutorial was in explaining how it was important to beat the oponent cards in value (as the tutorial only shows an example of your card vs an opponent card), and it didnt even mention the change of color in the edge of the cards (I honestly hadn't even noticed it before)
- Yet the tutorial (of the version I played) missed a few things that I believe are important for players like me that haven't tried this type of game rules before:
1 - Emphasis on the goal to keep cards captured, and not just capturing them the one time (as ppl may think like me, that the goal is just about the card's value being the highest in the adjacent directions)
2- Explaining that ALL cards (both yours and the opponent's) can be recaptured. - (simple, yet super confussing if not clarified, as the card's thin color change can be easily ignored for simple minds like mine, hahaha - for real though.)
3- Finally, as you mentioned, maybe also an emphasis on the fact that at the end of the match the player that keeps a card in their hand (always 2nd player) will always have that 1 card counting as 1 more captured card to their favor.
Remember mate, it's people like me the reason why they always put instructions on the shampoos!
I will proceed to restart on the new version, thank you so much for your advise - I know this was a long comment, but its only because I really admire this game so far, I think is great - loving the MCs commented thoughts after getting to the bedroom at night showing us his current state of mind - obviously this is a visual novel, but nowadays most only focus on the game rather than the story - but this one is def on the right track - Thank you so much for that!
Please keep up the amazing (and amusing) work! - Cheers :)
I was able to take a screenshot this time - In this example the NPC starts the game with card #0 lower right corner -> I play then #1 (above it)
she plays upper right corner -> I play #2 (left)
she plays upper left corner -> I play #3 (below it)
Then she plays middle bottom -> I play #4 (lower left corner)
She plays center - end game.
HOW DID I LOSE??? all my cards beat her cards, yet only 2 of hers beat my first 2 cards (#1 and 2) ---- also on the overall math my cards beat more in all directions within the square.
is this a bug? - I dont get it, its so frustrating.
First off, I'd like to say how much I love the novel, it's simply wonderful - I also praise the poetic style of it's literature. I am just starting, but so far its a job very much well done so far mate (storywise).
That said, I do have a bit of a rant regarding the explanation of the card game mechanics, as I feel the tutorial was not clear enough and is not as intuitive as I thought it was - Initially i thought the game was simple, thinking cards played must beat the (OPONENT'S) adjacent cards in value - Yet, I just now played the 1st match against the fox red haired girl and I should have won as I beat 4 of her cards (whilst she only beat 2 of mine - I triple checked as it was so odd) - yet it said that it was a tie!
- After checking every way possible, I came to the conclusion that the only way for that to be possible is that her cards beating her own cards would count as well, giving her 4, (but that friendly fire didn't apply to my cards, otherwise I would have had 5 winning cards ??)
I ended up clicking the screen by mistake and it went on to the next screen (rematch as it was a tie) - so i couldn't take a screenshot.
This brings me to request from you 2 important additions:
1 - Please add a triump sumary at the end of matches that sort of highlights the winning cards so you can count them, and understand who won AND WHY? (Please this is so important!!!)
2 - Also, if you can add a way to backtrack/return to previous screens (as if you click anything by mistake that's it, you cant go back unless you saved)
PD. If you can provide a walktrough at some point it'd be much appreciated.
Man, I admit I wasn't expecting this game to be so good.
- for starters the visuals of the characters are not as 'modern/realistic' as most games nowadays (which you can see on the screenshots, so it makes you underestimate it from the start)
Yet once I started reading, it drew me in more and more, and before i even realize it, I was hooked - it caught me off guard, as the connection with each character is so much better than most games, which makes you forget you are playing sometimes.
The tasks are clear and manageable (although the font for the files character notes is too small for my taste) - But the random events make it very VERY entertaining - and even though its got the chronological format (Mon-Sun) schedule, it doesn't feel tedious or too monotonous when you have to wait until next week for a specific event, as you can distract yourself with the rest of the stuff available, which there are tons of.
The walkthrough is a bit of a mess (its actually very well organized, but as you can approach the game tasks in different order it seems chaotic), but to me it's part of the charm as it feels like an achievement every time I find what i am looking for haha.
I came from taking a break of playing ETERNUM and I AM A LEGEND recently which are, in my humble opinion, both masterpieces, and I was expecting to play a lower-grade game/novel to clean my palate whilst waiting for their updates (like drinking some water whilst eating the best icecream, so that the next spoonfull makes you enjoy it as if it was the first time all over again) >>> However, little did I know I was about to drink (this) a jar full of the sweetest caramel syrup to go perfectly with that icecream.
Thats what this game is, sweet syrup all over, sticky, messy, tempting, and delicious.
All my best to everyone involved with the making (and enjoying) of this project, thank you for your work. Cheers!
I've been trying to play the 1.01 version - but honestly, is so confusing that is not really enjoyable mate
- there is no tutorial, or if that 1st fight is supposed to be one (if you can call it that) is really confussing, plus the font is so small for the girls ability description boxes it can not be read easily (and I have a 55 inch screen) - also the bottom ability descriptions for all girls in the middle are blocked by those black exagon-slots, so you cant read it.
I was looking forward to play this in PC (windows) but is a 'difficult' game to play straight from the start - I would advise to add a CLEAR and EASY tutorial explaining the how-to for everything, and every clickable button (as straight from the start NOTHING is clear nor easy to get by intuition).
I these are fixed I'd come back to try it as its a shame not to after seeing the nice art shown in the screenshots.
Hello, I am going to try this game out - but I have a question - I noticed the 1.1 file is not the game so it wont work alone - So I assume I have to download 1.01 first , and then what do I do with 1.1? do I just extract it within the same folder and thats it? or do i need to do something special? - please advise,Thanks
Hi! - Man I can't tell you how much I am inlove with this game (cos' I wouldn't stop, and I know you are bussy) but My Oh My if this ain't the finest piece of art i've had the honor and pleasure to enjoy!
Could you please provide a link to the previous Walkthrough v0.5? I am still getting there and changed phones so I lost the pdf and now it only shows the latest (but the previous one had a great feeling for me as it gave me options to mess it up, and the new one is just too straight up for me - which takes a bit of fun out of it when im reding it,) - Preatty please mate.
Hi, I see 2 very different kinds of art on these screenshots (3D and 2D) - is it combined throughout the game, or which is the normal style?
I am not complaining, is just reimagining the character in different styles may throw some ppl off a bit from the story (like it takes you out of the story you're inmersed in, back to reality)
so just checking before i trying it
Hello mate,
If you're going with a comicky/cartoonish type of story I thing is actually better that you go with A - It struck me immediately how it reminded me of comic art style of the likes of Jaguar and aroma sensei.
I get what you mean about B, which looks very enticing, but i think the reason is because B art definetly looks 'younger', (like they look underage like 15-17ish) and very cute, which does go great with an adventure 'alice in wonderland' kind of cartoon game - but the color contrast is a bit too dark/shadowy, and makes it seem like the art is a bit noisy/dirty- whilst A seems very clear and cleaner, which is very easy in the eyes, and gives a better vibe for comic backgrounds.
Still if you want to go with B i would try to combine both A and B - or make B a bit clearer.
Thank you for making this art, looks GREAT (Both A and B), and yes C is very well done of course, but mybe too realistic, which makes the expressions a bit to dramatic. (the first C ella should be in a museum tho', its fantastic!) but the duo C has that movie sad-eastern-europe type of vibe. - So yeah A for me, B is very sexy too. Cheers!