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A member registered Aug 13, 2021 · View creator page →

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Looking at their Patreon it seems they will release a new version on May 5th.

Why do I think of The Whore Of Babylon....

Hm I have a crash when starting the water fight on Android am I the only one?

It was released as beta for Patreon supporters

Romanes eunt Domus!

I didn't know that I had the power to do that.

Uhm is this abandoned or is the def stuck in RL trouble?

Next Update is planned for January 28th. It seems to take a lot of work since there is much content. Source > Patreon Page

okay from the looks i say earliest alpha ever. there is literally no game. I mean if you like looking at a horse butt you get your times worth.

I need a time machine to see the game when it's finished. Yes I am a very impatient skunk :)

I mean seeing how long it took to get here from the initial releases it will probably take another year or two.