You can share your shark game at this here!
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Kisame: omg there are many my water clone.
Just a suggestion i guess.
Okay, like the topic on Renai, Renpy forum, you need to search anything that includes the change textbox feautre(including the "choice").
4 time spamming would get you banned, so dont make caos.
Relase the BR Version of Naruto Online there is the site of BR Naruto Online.
Hello, should it will have the event feautre? the first one is daily bonus event called "OUR FIRST DAY AT NIGHT!".
1: 90 Love PTS.
2: Love PTS. choice (1: 20, 2: 70(for 60 coins!))
3: 100 Love PTS.
4: Extra of the event "OUR FIRST DAY AT NIGHT!"
5: 100 Love PTS.
Leave the game for PT/BR