this is stunning - got it in the comic bundle for gaza and was transfixed. can't wait for the full book ^_^
francis anne
Recent community posts
massive fan of this essay, thought of these couple of passages from this review of uncharted 4 while reading it:
thanks so much for writing this. it's really hard 2 let go of that sense of embarrassment at expressing a genuine feeling/obsession/fetish but i'm getting there and it's very worth it. kill not the part of you that is cringe, kill the part that cringes!! much love<3
this is a really impressive little demo!! the music and art are both incredible :)
i did encounter some bugs though, especially with stairs- i just fell through them a few times, including one time in the ending area that trapped me beneath them, so i had to restart from my save point.
all things considered though this is a very strong start! i'm excited to see what happens next to my favourite tiny delivery robot :>