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A member registered Jan 01, 2018

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you need to study real history. I had family DIE in the Holocaust. The survivors will show you and tell you everything I say is true. If you are having a bad day or life, try trusting our Lord Jesus Christ, who NEVER hurt ANYONE. And yet millions of us have been mocked, harassed and killed, more so than any other person and group, throughout history. FACT. You can think on that. We are NOT the enemy.

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I do not see a link to buy, and donate to buy the FULL, BUG-FREE BALANCED game? And NO, I am NOT paying $50 for this game on Steam! You have got to be kidding me. I know what that is like. Forget that crap. You pay too much for a game you cannot get a refund on halfway through when it gets way too hard, or you get the common forced damn monster trigger fights every 5 to 10 steps. The games like this often hold us hostage. If it is good, I want to play a demo first. And I certainly do not want to pay $50 for a 2D JRPG game either!

WHERE IS THE DEMO LINK?!?!?!? I do not want to fork over ANY money unless I can make sure this game is balanced, not overbearing, or forced monster trigger fights every 5 to 10 seconds!

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You need serious help. Communist/socialist/nazi witchcraft has deceived and killed multiple millions. And if you support that, you are definitely and most certainly part of the problem, which is hurting, not helping. Wake up. Don't be woke! And Biblical history is true history that has been proven. Hitler hated Christianity and that was his main ideology focus. He admitted that many times. 

I am in the right place. Maybe people need to listen, and stop being part of the problem.

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"Resist & Remember is an anti-fascist tabletop roleplaying game by Devon Oracz dedicated to honoring, memorializing,  and commemorating those who stood up in the face of fascism, bigotry, and tyranny."

So, just to be clear, fascism is often misunderstood and mislabeled. The real definition of fascism is anything which is anti-Christian, anti-conservative and anti-American, as it stands in the facts of the true Republic.

 To say you are anti-fascist, you need to get that. Too many times fascism is a duality sword not often dealt with in the right and factual terms. ANYTHING that is socialist/communist/nazi/LGBTQ+IA is 100 percent fascist and evil. It is not being a bigot to reject sexual immorality, those who try to change and delete real history, and Biblical and real science facts. period. As long as you get that, you will understand why we have the wrong division and deception going on in our world today.

Oh, look, it's commie Bernie! All these nazi sympathizers need to get out of our country!

Sounds great. THANK YOU, and Merry Christmas!

Sounds great. I would rather it take longer and you work all the kinks and bugs out than rush it. Thanks for getting back to us!

Thank you for all your hard work. I want to be able to submit a donation when you have the final full game released on itch. Can you notify us through emails or comments when you do have it up on the itch website? Do not rush the game. Get it right. There is nothing more frustrating than when devs or game makers rush a game, or it has bugs. Also, I am not a fan of puzzles or overwhelming challenges, so this is something I wanted to mention before I do choose to buy it. Thank you for listening.

Great game!!! Just right. When are you releasing the full game???

When are you releasing the full game??? We are all looking forward to it!