looking good so far! Glad to read your progress reports. How many enemy types (not including variants of those enemy’s) are you working on? If there’s mimic chests you can have my money now lol
Recent community posts
This game is awesome, been following it nearly two years and it just keeps getting better. I've deleted my plays and restarted at least 4 times along the way. I'd like it if there was a gallery to pay proper respect to all the hard hours put into the animations lol. The character development is better then most games but celica is just too damn nice there is no way id let a suit of armor take my body for a stroll while I'm either asleep unconscious or nakey spirit just makes my skin crawl thinking about it lol. Speaking of possessions any plans to let that doll get in some comfortable situations in the future or any other of the characters celica can posses? Also I keep seeing updates to new hair designs and I keep expecting to find a hair stylist to let me alter her hair but maybe their just fixes. Anyway awesome game great job!
A haunted or possessed mannequin would be pretty sweet, like place "dead" or inanimate mannequins in different positions around a house or business that become animated when the spirit is in the room during the hunt maybe they change positions to show what rooms the spirit inhabits in between hunts. Ooo maybe the mannequins could have like different hair styles or body types not sure how hard that would be to program but it sounds easy in theory lol
Game is awesome LAGS, been a big fan for a while now, i'd be lying if I said I didn't check nearly everyday for an update lol. I'm not sure who draws the art but that is some great work as well. Also the game play is really smooth and is easy to handle. Overall great game and one of my top favorites!