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A member registered Oct 04, 2022

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Something that I noticed is that the fight arenas only scale with your size now, compared to a few versions ago where it also put context enemy's size

It is endless

The luckiest randomization I ever got lol

Something odd I noticed is that whenever I fight the giant rat, when they summon a follower, the new follower doesn't seem to able to damage you/not having that attack area thing when they attack, making them a weird and also ignorable target in the fight.

Digi hasn't looked much into the passive battle from what I gathered, and it has been in this state pretty much not long after active combat is implemented, so it's not as much of a bug as it is more of a broken feature.

(5 edits)

I don't know if Digi will read this or not, but here goes:

-Certain attacks, like 'stab' and 'unarmed attack' for example, doesn't damage the target even if they're in the attack sector at high size stat.

-Enemies stop using their buff skills, including attribute explosion skills, after 2-3 uses (though I don't know whether this is intentional or the decision making in the AI breaks)

-Combat arena no longer scales with the largest combatant's size as opposed to the previous build

-Aureus doesn't grow anymore after trying to donate all of your money when you have a lot of money (above 100k)

Doesn't seem to be the case, which means it should be next week

(1 edit)

Also, about the D3D error, a google search can lead you to the solution of modifying registry values as is explained here.

This was the case for me on my old laptop, and that solution helped with preventing that error to pop-up again.

...Maybe don't open the game from the WinRAR archive? You're bloating your C: drive's temp folder quickly with how big the game is.

DFB said during a livestream that the update is postponed a month because there's still more work to do on the patreon version

It's not even the last Friday of the month

Don't know if this is intentional, but the newly spawned rats through the Giant Rat's "summon follower" can't hurt you, they don't have that red area thingy that appears when they try to attack you

I'm not sure what you mean that the growth animation only applies to muscle, I've seen growth animations for the other stats as well

Are you saying you managed to bypass the patreon paywall for the newest version?

Should be this friday, it's always the first friday of the month

It's much easier to just free the real blacksmith from the sewers and not give the fake one a key, since the real one will reward you the weapon immediately when you meet him in the town in this case

I've used the method written here and I haven't had D3D issues since, it might help you out too

If I remember correctly, GetFName/line 130 error has to do with having multiple save files as some people have reported, but I personally think it might have to do with using save files from older builds as well 

I haven't had this issue anymore ever since limiting myself to at most 2 save files and also not transferring save files from different versions