Answer is simple, your game is not indexed. ( at least at time of creating the forum )
Pretty much every entry in 1800+ is not indexed, because thats the default behavior in itch.
With some tweaks this can be a nice mobile game.
Some feedback :
- Saw "color blind accessible" in the tags, tried it out because of that with some webfilters, I would highly suggest to add letters / patterns to the wires because some are almost identical with a colorblindness overlay.
- Time bomb after time bomb just blew up even when getting the combo in time.
- Hitboxes on the wires are quite small.
Otherwise nice simple concept, and I like the little beeps.
Thanks for the feedback!
> I rarely see games where you are given a notepad that can record details
Lots of older games had a nice lil' notes thingy- took inspiration of them.
> The music remix of each wedding theme in different styles was a fun touch also -
Ethan did a great job with them, we were laughing a lot in the VC first time we heard the Jazz one.
> wondering why Lyra is getting married twice at the beginning
Well Lyra was a bit too hard to handle! First couple got divorced, but well! Lyra was so happy of our services she planned her re-marry with us XD
Thanks for playing!
Really pretty & polished game!
Definitely would like difficulty settings I can do like 8 clients before dying ( wouldnt be a great cashier ) XD
QR code acutally works too! But theres a typo :P
To me switching left & right click functions would be way more intuitive too!
Love all the lil details you added & man that POS is really unstable XD !
Well done!