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A member registered Jun 11, 2024 · View creator page →

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Found this entry doing data analysis on the Pirate 16 jam set, 

!!Longest comment of the entire jam!! :o

We got curious about the vision of the project and checked out the GDD, I really hope you follow through on your idea to learn the tooling and make a demo / functioning prototype.

Goodluck! <3

- Quinten & The Jamlytics community.

Found this entry doing data analysis on the Pirate 16 jam set, 

!!Longest comment of the entire jam!! :o

We got curious about the vision of the project and checked out the GDD, I really hope you follow through on your idea to learn the tooling and make a demo / functioning prototype.

Goodluck! <3

- Quinten & The Jamlytics community.

If in any way I could help with stuff like aspect / control scheme on mobile let me know in discord chat, we made our entry dynamically scale on aspect- and well its engineless, but same principals may apply. :)

Quite a funny entry, enjoyed playing!

I like the textures and vfx, audio loop can be a bit much after a while, there's also a purple spiky plant thing that my brain just thinks is "background" and then I suddenly lose my lead because of it :P

Very unique concept and being a boulder of death is definitely a weapon of mass destruction! 

Well done!

Quite a funny entry, enjoyed playing!

I like the textures and vfx, audio loop can be a bit much after a while, there's also a purple spiky plant thing that my brain just thinks is "background" and then I suddenly lose my lead because of it :P

Very unique concept and being a boulder of death is definitely a weapon of mass destruction! 

Well done!

Fun game! I played until I beat at least someone one the leaderboard :P

Few points of feedback I have : 

- There is a section where its hard to see difference between FG & BG

- Fullscreen does not fullscreen

- Enemies are fast when you try again ( mentioned on page :P )

- Music & SFX are great

- Cute artstyle

- When can I download this on my phone? I need it. 

Fun game! I played until I beat at least someone one the leaderboard :P

Few points of feedback I have : 

- There is a section where its hard to see difference between FG & BG

- Fullscreen does not fullscreen

- Enemies are fast when you try again ( mentioned on page :P )

- Music & SFX are great

- Cute artstyle

- When can I download this on my phone? I need it. 

Thanks for playing! 

As for your request, Just know the project was a team effort- not 1 person :P

I'm the lead programmer, 

Yutami did all the artwork.

Ducky was doing Admin/GDD and Programming.

Ethan did our music & sfx.

Thanks for playing, the Quest => Battle has been suggested quite a few times and we have since updated the game so its working like that :D

Kinda what happens when you have multiple devs working on separate systems under pressure. :P

Thanks for playing! <3

Oh my, first off this is most likely the biggest piece of feedback I ever gotten on :o

As for responding I think it's best to take fragments and put "dev notes".

> the initial starting dialogue causes the chat box to be half covering the Settings menu.

I'll add that to the bugtracker, thanks for reporting.

> At the quest board, when I accept a quest, it simply disappears. 

Common feedback we got here was to immediately make quests go into battles, this is something we added ready for the update.

> A damage indicator and an animation on the sword that got hit would be a good way to display this.

100% Agree, we need to add more feedback and juice there!

> Is the sword piece supposed to come out of it instead of already being displayed above it?

yes, crunch + 2 devs & working at 6am made us overlook it.

> A tooltip or stat display would really help.

I agree, we only managed to get it to show in the shop menu & battle, we made a wiki to combat it slightly but it needs to be ingame.

> the sword dancing in the menu does not update if a weapon is upgraded in the Smith area

Town & Smith were made by both me & ducky respectively the components didn't trigger eachothers re-render key properly, I'll add this to the bugtracker. 

>  Army area, there is also no way to see each sword’s stats

Main issue here was finding a way to display stats that didn't rely on hover or right clicking as we really want to keep mobile support.

Also ties in the general stat display issue.

> Also, I can’t tell if the placement of the sword affects anything

Swords (depending on abilities) attack different placements, most attack the closest sword to them, so the first blade you have should be tankier, something like the crystal hilt has very low hit chance but a big health pool, something, something like the base katana blade has an initiative boost but lower health, meant as more of a glass cannon. Placements *do* matter, but balancing it more is needed for sure!

> But I have no idea what it actually does. 

Ties in the the general stat display issue, wiki helps a bit with it but its merely a crutch.

> I could not sell any item at all if my inventory was full. 

onClickBuySell, if you are a programmer you can guess what happend there... xd

But yes, this is a known bug, we checked for a full inventory before doing the isBuying check and this caused that to happen. Late night programming am I right :P

> Earning coins feels a bit too easy currently

In hindsight we should have made the money you earn logarithmic scale, its currently 10% of your enemy's shop worth,

In a 5v5 that adds up a lot, should also check to make it scale based of team-size difference, so it would reward people for trying more risky fights like a 3v5.

>  I feel you could do it like in Tinker’s construct, whereby you split it into handle, guard and blade.

This is something I liked too, but our artist did not want to overscope that during the jam, we settled for effects but I would love to split the handles into guards & hilts.

> As the more I play the game, the easier it gets for me to recognise the silhouettes of the different swords

This level of game knowledge is what we tried going for, rewarding the player for observing the quests, the quest board itself will never go above 3 points BST compared to your own team, each battle 1 quest gets removed from the board and updated, so there should always be beatable quests on the board for sure.

> A way to use up the extra sword souls.

Initially we wanted sword souls to be a lot rarer, but because its a jam game I decided last minute to make them a 30% droprate instead of 5% because we really did not want people dropping out without seeing some core mechanics, ( thats also why we gave the player a soul and some gold initially )

> Please also buff the baguette

Baguette is currently meant as a mid-game tank, we put a lot of its stats and values at 7 just because,

How would you like to see it get buffed? 

Thanks for playing & leaving great feedback! Much appreciated and hope the dev-notes are clear. :D

Thanks for playing! <3

With the crunch balancing out all the parts & quest generation was a bit harsh, but we'll see if we can update it.

Thanks for playing & glad you enjoyed it! :P

Thanks for playing! 

The ability to instantly battle from the quest menu has been requested quite a few times and we updated it ready for the post jam update. :P

We already have an update ready that straight up takes you to battle after accepting a quest to eliminate a lot of extra button pressed :P

We will see what we can do to more properly balance the parts & stats, same with animation timers.

Thanks for playing & Glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks for playing! 

Damage numbers and visible ability's everywhere is something I really want to add to the game, we have a wiki but its not the same as ingame data :P 

Thanks for playing <3 !

Fun fact, "streetpass-like" multiplayer almost made it with the ability to export your team and drag other peoples teams onto the quest board.

Glad you had fun!

I definitely agree with your last point, without the wiki its hard to trust words, the effects really need to be written everywhere and not just shop & battle.

Will say the quests are built based on an algorithm that's not pure rng,  taking into account the amount of swords in your team & their stats.

However only 1 quest gets replaced each fight, so other quests can turn stale and feel easy. 

Thanks for the feedback!

Got to stay relevant and meme's is a great way to catch some attention. :P 

Ooh you also tried making an auto-battler? Will have to check yours out & see. :) 

I personally put a lot of attention to make it mobile ( Android ) compatible too as I feel the mobile market in jams is quite desolate. So happy you think it would make a good mobile release. :D

The end state was planned to be exporting your army and importing other people's armies as quests to have a local pvp system going. Still hope to implement that though! We got very close but the crunch got to us and we uploaded our current build with <20min remaining haha.

Happy you enjoyed your time playing, makes the allnighters worth it!

Thanks for playing!

The shop bug is known issue, but thanks for reporting!

Its been resolved ready for pushing when editing opens again but is a classic case of checking full inventory before checking if you are buying / selling... Haha.

Glad you enjoyed playing!

The shop bug is known a classic case of checking full inventory before checking if you are buying / selling XD

We definitely want to see proper indicators of all stats everywhere, not just in the shop & battle, just crunch happened. For now we have a wiki , but Its mainly a crutch.

Thanks for the feedback on the UI and interactions I agree 100% we should look into those!

Black screen is a when hitting back & forward is a general itch issue I have had happen on other games too, pretty sure its for having "start game when page loads" enabled, but as our game is rather small we want to enable it for a better general UX, will try figure out if we can check blank screens to force a refresh though... 

Definitely a big thank you for the feedback & playing :D 

Plan is definitely to include all stats everywhere for sure! :D

Wiki is an in-between solution now that we are unable to update until the jam is over.

Thanks for playing!

We are aware of the overflow issue that randomly happens, seems to be caused by a CSS conflict when uploading to itch, but we are working on a compatible fix to upload post jam. :D

Still thanks for reporting <3 

Thanks <3. 

Exactly? Who doesn't want a happy collection of dancing swords! :D

Glad you liked it :D

Thanks for playing! <3

Luckily the swords all see each other as equals :P

All their souls come from the same origin.

Thanks for playing!

The issue you mentioned is known, fix for it below : 

Because its a buy/sell button we ended up having a bug where we check "fullInventory" before "isBuying" the way to get around it is to upgrade a sword once to get a free inventory slot so you can sell again. Sorry for the inconvenience the crunch was real. <3 

We want to get all stats in each menu similar to the shop, but we have a wiki

Delicious is a self-heal ability :) . 

Thats a very powerfull thing indeed!


Soo, dev note on this. The empty parts were just meant to be "make new sword" part and also save data corruption default to prevent the game from crashing. We gave it a rarity of "Infinity" so it would not show up in either the shop or battle, but. When you try "getRandomPartBasedRarity" it caused an infinite loop XD

In a panic we just put the rarity to 1 fixing the game, but causing this hilarious side effect XD 

First will say, this is definitely not my type of game. Bit too hard but I think thats the point- similar to something like "getting over it".

Visuals & Music are nice, I can see this turning into a Twitch streamer ragebait game. :D

Props on getting it to be both mouse & controller supportable although both had their advantages & disadvantages made me switch between them a lot.

But I think its mainly skill issue on my end xd

First will say, this is definitely not my type of game. Bit too hard but I think thats the point- similar to something like "getting over it".

Visuals & Music are nice, I can see this turning into a Twitch streamer ragebait game. :D

Props on getting it to be both mouse & controller supportable although both had their advantages & disadvantages made me switch between them a lot.

But I think its mainly skill issue on my end xd

I like the UI and VFX on this, especially the losing animation! The game itself is really hard though, but did manage to get over 100KB seeing the screenshot I'd say thats good enough. :P.

An interactive tutorial with a bit of a slowdown in the beginning would do wonders!

Good Job

I like the UI and VFX on this, especially the losing animation! The game itself is really hard though, but did manage to get over 100KB seeing the screenshot I'd say thats good enough. :P.

An interactive tutorial with a bit of a slowdown in the beginning would do wonders!

Good Job

Quite an easy game to understand, feels very arcade-y too. Main feedback I have is to add more user-feedback & polish.

Quite an easy game to understand, feels very arcade-y too. Main feedback I have is to add more user-feedback & polish.

Glad you liked it! <3

Thanks for playing!

Definitely will need more time & testing to find a proper balance between effects, stats & damage. A lot of it rn was "pick a number based on vibes". We did make a wiki, but its not a proper ingame thing yet :P

Proper indication of errors and stats is something I really want to see added too! the dev crunch was very real and ultimately ran out of time to properly show it everywhere. Still we can look into adding it. :D

Classic RNGEEZUS :P Luckily you can easily reset the gamestate. :)