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A member registered Sep 11, 2020 · View creator page →

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i wanted to add coyote time but didn't have the time sadly :( thank you!!!

thanks man :) (i know this guy... he's silly... trust...)

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thank you!!! glad to hear i got the no thinking allowed part down :3

i really liked this game!! the superhot style text in the beginning was pretty cool and it definitely fits the theme. absolutely following this post jam

my best was 12.27, might be my favourite game in the jam so far :) fits the theme super well

super fun game and concept!! i liked the pixel interviewer vs the normal environment, and the voice acting made me giggle. the only "complaint" i could have is that the sensitivity was kind of high, everything else was awesome

i came up with interactions on a timer because if it's just movement, the player can spam a&d to think and that's no fun! not sure how i forgot the sfx & music but i only realized after i published LOL, thank you for the review :)

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JUST found the ending where benrey quotes the nightlight questions and oughhh that hits hard

this was awesome!!! haven't seen the ending yet but i really really like it, the technically kind of real c++ code with the comments was really silly and the character writing was super accurate

super fun little game :)

only for the paid version, you can get it here or steam

started lagging really bad in the web build, but i like the concept! maybe a windows and linux build would be awesome

thank you!!! glad you enjoyed :) <3

this fucking rocks... page 12 is still real as hell

i tried both in and out of fullscreen, stayed about the same

i got to 104 before i gave up because of wrist pain, but it's pretty fun :)

absolutely my favourite game of this jam so far!!! it captures the energy of a good bullet hell boss rush, where you get to memorize attacks and die to succeed. the controls feel great, the bosses are fun, visuals are decent, big fan!

the concept of the game was really interesting, but the resolution was completely broken for me and the music got a little annoying after about a few seconds. i'm definitely going to grab this one when it comes out on the playstore, it seems really fun :)

i got a hundred straightness but zero slant, so it gave me no points :( still fun though!!!

this was beautiful :)

loving the game!!! the base mechanic is really fun, and i'm absolutely planning on making some levels. the only problems i have, which is kind of a big one, is the lack of feedback and readability. on the cowboy level, i can't tell if i'm being hit by a miss of the timed circle click things(?) or the mines. i also can't really see the mines, because everything else in the level is black. on the last purple-ish level, the shaking screen make it almost impossible to tell what's going on. everything else is amazing, the mapping is INSANELY good and it feels absolutely awesome. all of the effects are super cool looking. it's just those two problems that make it super hard to play

like some other people mentioned, i'd love some accessability features, but this is a demo so i didn't expect any. some auto clicks for the notes you have to click or sides to normal notes would be some nice ones

my friend and i were JUST talking about marble hornets rpgmaker games, and how the eras lined up so well but we've never seen one. until now! so excited to play this

this game rocks!! i love the artstyle and i love crabbit's design. for someone who said they're not really a writer in the devlog, i did really like the writing! had a great balance of silly things and humour for a little game like this. hard to say much without spoiling people, but i love what you did with the saves ;) absolutely buying your steam game after this

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having issues figuring out how to sleep, and sometimes i have to restart the entire game because it won't let me change polarity and frequency, but otherwise this game is pretty cool

i will find you

excited to play this when the new gameclam comes out