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A member registered Jan 28, 2014 · View creator page →

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aw man i thought i tried that, ok

The movement has a unique feel to it, where if you miss a jump you have a little hang time and then you plummet really fast. Getting around the map is fun, it would be a good puzzle platformer.

The only thing that bothers me is you can climb up a 90 degree wall, but on specific slopes you slide down and can't do anything about it.

Good jam game. I like this genre. I couldn't find the final achievement tho, and that Youtube video is gone.

I thought that sounded like Sal's music. This game rules. Very satisfying speed mechanics.

You made it easier??

I think I'd like more stuff to think about, to see my decisions be important beyond influencing who is in each hero party. It was fun though, watching what they did and saying "uhhh you guys probably don't want two healers" and stuff like that. Very cool.

(2 edits)

This is really fun what the heck!! I love how you balanced the shield mechanic. It allows for a couple hits but still punishes you. And then when you power up your gun enough, you use up enough energy that you have a reason to not always hold the fire button. This is indeed very polished.

Took me more like 25 minutes to get through because the boss killed me a few times before I learned the trick to it. Good stuff.

Saw this game on Discord, the aesthetic of the whole game is immaculate. Love the animations and art and all of it. Also if I didn't have roommates I would be blasting that music, it's great.

The only problem is that if you slip up, and have to start a level over, you have *so much walking to do* to get back to where you were. At first it's fun and relaxing, but when you have to replay a level it's gets boring. I'm not quite sure how I would fix it, but I'll say those first couple levels feel pretty empty. The only challenge to them is finding every dragon which requires a lot of patience.

I think I beat it lol

I got lost in the snow level and I liked the puzzles  a lot and it was really fun. The final boss was so good.

no no no this can't be a 3 day jam game this is an ENTIRE ZELDA GAME

This is awesome! I think it's perfect as a jam game, in that it isn't a super punishing game and it just lets you mess around with the mechanics. A bullet hell where you have all these ships you have to drag around with the mouse makes for a great multitasking game. It's almost like a weird tower defense.

I would actually like the option to have background lines shake

This is
extremely good

Having a great time with this so far. I appreciate that it's not just a game displayed in moving windows, but the windows also create unique gameplay.

I've only got to the first boss and this game is very difficult but I love it.

I'd love to know how people feel about the perks, it seems like Bellow is the most useful of the three perks by FAR. At least it's the one I'm getting first. I see the utility of Drain if it helps me kill things, I guess. And the Sight one sure is sittin' there.

That's ridiculous.

(1 edit)

This game is incredible, it's super fun to use all the moves. The midair dive is a classic, it's so much more fun than your typical double jump... I'm actually upset that you have this badass dive-into-roll move and the game is designed so that if I ever use it I almost always accidentally roll to my death.

Fantastic game. I'm just salty about getting reset from running out of lives.

I am 100% going to mod this game later. It deserves a hardcore Meatboy-type set of levels. With infinite lives, of course.

OH wow I got it to work. That seemed like less of a "readability" issue and more of a straight up glitch. If I get up close and click repeatedly on the washer it opens and closes the door. If I open it, step back and click in a specific place then it actually loads the laundry.

Cool graphics./

Game doesn't seem complete-able, there is nothing to do and I have no clothes to wash.

(1 edit)

Not just a brilliant game, but I think you just invented the Shield Spin. I want a dungeon crawler with this move in it now. xD

If I were to add depth to this game I'd make puzzles that take advantage of the helper's ability to carry items around rooms where the hero can't reach. It would open the game up to puzzles that go beyond putting buttons in slots.

(1 edit)

The game doesn't have online, people are using things like Parsec to stream the game for multiplayer.

That was lovely! I like boat games.

The ending is pretty sad ngl.

The way you rendered the predator is really cool. It seems impossible to predict, which I guess is accurate for a 2D character avoiding a 3D monster. The game is not fair at all. XD But it's a fascinating premise! Moving around with a grapple is always fun.

Perhaps the 3D creature should cast a shadow? It seems like there should be a hint to help the 2D creature avoid it.

Please put both files into one .zip in the future.

I cheated I used Alt-F4 to avoid clicking Retry, thus having to restart but not reinstall the game each time.

I had the patience to get past 2 jumps so far lol

i've blown up somehow

When I found out you can make a bridge cheaper by using fewer solid segments with no-collide segments in the gaps, this game went from good to fantastic. It even fits the theming, you can save money by building a more dangerous bridge, but it's in hell so it makes sense that they wouldn't care lol.

(1 edit)

I'm having trouble with import into Godot 4. I have the tileset with the .png but none of the settings are correct.

This still a thing?
I wanna make homemade pizza.

(2 edits)

Dude this is so cool I remember playing the Klonoa demo ages ago!!! You actually made an original character like you said you would. :D

I really like the direction you're taking the game. I saw you teased some new enemy types in the sandbox area and I'm interested to see them used in real levels.

My only real gripe was that in the first couple levels I was struggling because I didn't realize you can press jump to double jump with an enemy. I don't know if it was my fault or the tutorial's fault, but I was trying to make all those jumps by throwing an enemy down. Throwing them straight down kills your momentum, but throwing them backwards and down can make the jump (kind of like you're rocket-jumping in TF2). Things got far easier when I figured out how you're supposed to double jump. :P

The roller blades are super fun, obviously.

This is hilarious

does it have an ending or?

(8 edits)

Played through the game, very fun. Got some thoughts on the difficulty.
I felt like the dragon was the first level where I really had to plan ahead. I got him after 4 or 5 tries, but I kinda felt like it was RNG. So I tried to beat the dragon again, to see if I could do it consistently.

I've beat it 4 times now and I feel like I figured out the strategy. I think it's not entirely RNG-driven and I could easily do it again now. This tells me the dragon is way harder than the rest of the game, and there ought to be some more levels leading up to it.

I saw a comment that 3-2 felt really hard and I'm inclined to agree. I think it's the combination of needing to dig for special shield blocks by raising the screen, and an enemy attack that adds  a lot of blocks to one column at once. SO ANYWAYS I tried playing that level a bunch too and I was able to not only get consistent at it, but I beat it without taking damage once.

That said, the game is remarkably fair if you practice enough, though I do have some gripes about RNG. Perhaps 10 seconds is slightly to short of a time frame? I'd do some tuning there. Maybe reduce the time per turn if the player chooses Hard mode? My only real complaint about this demo is the difficulty curve, but that's typical of a game jam game. Fantastic game guys!

Thanks so much! Physics games are my passion... I thought about doing more with the lamp but I'd have to make it's movement a bit more predictable. The lamp is probably too unpredictable to make a longer platformer out of it right now, I'd have to change it's physics again.

I did keep working on the blob game though! You can actually play a demo of it it's called Jellyball now.

I got stuck after getting the "stick to surface" upgrade and slowly traversing the map looking for the place I can go got boring. Sorry.
I'll try again tomorrow maybe.

can I buy you a coffee